028 2564 4834 office@highkirk.org.uk

Please plan to come and invite others to share in our Christmas services.
An advent candle will be lit at each of our Sunday morning services from Sunday 1st December and the doors of our special Advent box will be opened as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the Incarnation.

The Family Advent Journey can be read or downloaded from here.

  Wednesday 11th December
Seniors’ Lunch at 12.30pm

     Wednesday 18th December
Café Explore Carol Service at 7.30pm

     Sunday 22nd December
One morning service at 10.30am
Carol Services at 4.00pm and 6.30pm

     Wednesday 25th December
Christmas Morning All Age service at 10.30am
(No children’s ministries or crèche)

     Sunday 29th December
One morning service at 10.30am
(No children’s ministries or crèche)

No evening service

     Sunday 5th January
Services at 9.30am and 11.30am
Communion at both morning services

Evening service at 6.30pm