028 2564 4834 office@highkirk.org.uk


SMMR FEST is back this year with afternoons and evenings. Afternoons will be 1pm - 4pm and evenings will be 6.30pm - 10pm

GB Registration night

There will be leaders in the McCaughey Hall from 7pm – 8.30pm on that evening and it would be great if as many parents/guardians as possible could come along to pay fees (£15) and order uniform. This really eases the burden on the first night of GB which can be a busy one! Girls do […]

Discovering your God-Given Gifts – Not Just Another Course

Rowan and Joanne will be running this course for four weeks starting Monday, 19 September 2022 in The Oasis.  You are right if you thought it was a course, but this is not just another course! There is no reading, no work to do, just attend. This course will not only help you find out […]

Discovering your God-Given gifts – Why do you think and act the way you do

In Romans 12:6-8, Paul tells us that God has given each of us a gift, which the Amplified Bible also translates as ‘talent’ or ‘quality’, and Peter writes in his first letter that we should use these for the benefit of others and for God’s glory (1 Peter 4:10). The free will that God has […]

Discovering your God-Given gifts – How gifts affect your relationships

Before Paul tells us about the different gifts that we have in Romans 12, he describes believers as being like a body, made up of different parts, but all connected to one another. We are mutually dependant on one another but working for a common purpose – the glory of God. Because Peter reminds us […]

Discovering your God-Given gifts – What career or ministry suits you best

Jeremiah 20:12 tells us that God sees our minds and our hearts. Because He was involved in our formation, He knows that we are different to one another. We’ve already seen how these gifts God has given us motivate the way we see and respond to the world around us, and they also determine the […]