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We all love stories but we are especially fascinated it has to be said by the story of our own lives. Each of us is living out a story from birth to death with many incidents along the way. Everyone lives out their personal storyline and each is as unique as our individual fingerprints. But although each of us is unique we are in many ways the same. Whether we live in the 21st century or the 1st century we all experience the same frustrations, joys, hurts, and wonders that life can bring along our path. We may be surprised to know that our story has been told from the beginning of time; our story is revealed in the greatest book ever to be written.

Join us this New Year on Sunday mornings as we explore the Bible through fresh eyes and see the plotline of humanity revealed from start to finish. We will consider many of the different characters in the Bible revealing the heart of humanity in all our uniqueness and diversity. We will explore their defeats and their victories, their triumphs and their disasters. In doing so hopefully we will learn to live out a better story for ourselves. This is the story of our lives.