Page 2 - Summer 2015 Contact issue 34
P. 2
Norman’s Viewpoint We also need to focus on how much God loves us. Many people today are struggling with perfectionism – that everything has to be just perfect for life to be worth living. This In this edition of Contact we have some is an especial burden for our young people refections and photos from the recent and is leading to depression and all kinds of Awaken Conference and I wish to add some problems. Many people are also consumed of my own thoughts post the Conference. by what others think of us. Malcolm gave us My desire has been to have a Word and a healthy reminder that the most important Spirit conference every two years to opinion of us is God’s. What others think of encourage us as a congregation in our faith. us is not totally irrelevant of course and we The days are difcult and many Christian are encouraged in the Bible to think of people are struggling to keep a vital others in a loving way. This means we are not relationship with God and also to think to be ofensive to others and we are to look straight when we are bombarded by so many out for other people’s interests but we are atheistic ideas from media and our culture. not to keep comparing ourselves to others or coveting what others have or being obsessed The conference was meant to strengthen by what others say about us. This is to get us us and awaken us to God’s reality and his into a prison in our minds which is unhealthy wonderful grace. I believe this was achieved and not God honouring. at a number of levels and I know that I was strengthened in my own faith. I felt the Holy Malcolm also reminded us of the importance Spirit ministering to me through what of Jesus in our lives. If we say we are a Malcolm said. It was obvious that many Christian then he needs to be in the centre, people also benefted from his ministry not us. This will lead to a fresh commitment especially out of his own difcult personal to prayer, praise, giving and serving as we see circumstances. He encouraged people to how much God has done for us. We are not hold on to the promises and the presence saved by serving but we are saved to serve. of Jesus even when we do not feel him I have also heard many positive comments with us. This encouraged many people who about the seminars and Soul Space and the sometimes are looking for a constant buzz excellent way Dave led us in worship. Thank or high in their relationship with God. Some you again to all who helped to make the days we simply can feel low and feel as if Conference happen. The technology team God is distant from us. We need to focus on have done a great job in getting CDs out the fact of his presence even when we do and videos online. Do take time to listen and not feel it. watch and be encouraged. With every Blessing, Norman
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