Page 16 - Winter 2016 Contact Issue 40
P. 16
A strange title for an article for the Contact magazine Shapeless lumps of brown clay were moulded and
you may think, but let me explain. shaped by our hands into flowers and small elephants
and we worked together to make different parts of a
The Art and Prayer Thing has been running every large elephant. It was a work in progress and each week
Tuesday night for the past two years in Hope House we could see how everything was starting to come
under the skilful guidance of Carole Kane. A few together. Diane fired the shapes in a kiln and we were
months ago, wearing her Community Arts Partnership then able to paint the flowers and elephants in
hat, she told me about a grant that was available to beautiful colours.
community groups for art projects.
Each week, after our class, we had lunch together and
We decided that we would like to make something for it was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. On 10
the Sonia McGuckin Community Memorial Garden in November, we had a celebration to unveil our
Victoria Park, but weren’t sure what. After speaking to completed masterpiece and see it in all its glory
David McGuckin, the late Sonia’s husband, we erected on a wall in the memorial garden.
discovered that Sonia loved elephants. Problem solved!
We would make a ceramic elephant for the garden. They say that an elephant never forgets. May we
Paper work duly completed and submitted we waited never forget that each one of us is God’s workmanship
to hear if our application for a grant had been created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God
successful and to our delight it was! On 29 September, prepared in advance for us to do. We are a work in
17 apprehensive but enthusiastic “artists” met with progress but He who began a good work in us will carry
Diane, our teacher, and the work began. We were in the it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Just
hands of the “master” and with her help and guidance, like Diane our “master” had a plan to bring together our
what seemed like an impossible task for us became arts project, God has a perfect plan for our lives. When
possible. we place our lives into the true master’s hands and
allow Him to melt us, mould us and shape us, we will
become all that He intended for us to be.
Lorraine McAllister