Page 4 - Contact Summer 2017
P. 4

“High Kirk is such a wonderful

              church, full of warmth

              I have loved carrying out my second year of
              interning in High Kirk this year. Although it          and joy.”
              wasn’t my initial plan to do a second year, God
              in His infinite wisdom guided me back again and
              I am thankful for every experience He has given
              me because of it.

              We have incredible young people in High Kirk
              and it has been a privilege to work with them,   High Kirk is such a wonderful church, full of
              journey with them, celebrate with them and      warmth and joy. I am so appreciative of the
              learn from them in all they have to offer this   wonderful encouragement and support from
              year. I am so excited to continue to see God    so many within the congregation demonstrated
              transform them and watch as they obediently     in such a vast range of ways. It is an honour to
              follow His lead.                                serve alongside such servant-hearted people in
                                                              our ministries.
                        HIGH KIRK
                                                              Working in a church has been a wonderful

                                                              opportunity through which Jesus has shaped
                                                              me, challenged me and led me closer into His
                                                              loving embrace. Thank you to everyone who
                                                              has been part of the incredible journey. God
                                                              Lisa Jackson


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