Page 11 - Contact Autumn 2017
P. 11
“I feel Spark has made me more
confident as a person and it has really “I did Spark in Ballee this
improved my walk with God, as I’ve year and I soon realised that
learnt things about my faith that I God had planned for me to
never knew through the church be there. I went to visit a
services :)” Christian lady, called Sally,
who God used to speak to me
Erin Douglas through on so many levels. I
still have a relationship with
her and she has helped me
grow in my faith so much”
“Spark has definitely
reminded me to invest time Amy Turner
in praying deep into other
people’s situations and also
reminded me to ask others if
they need things “Come expectant and
prayed for” intentional and we
will see God move”
Erin McClinton
Rachel Taggart
“As always, I really enjoyed
“I think that Spark has shown Spark this year, and for me
me the crazy impact of being the morning services were
consistently in a place over really helpful in getting you
time; I love how High Kirk focused for the day ahead. The
have been working in the general theme throughout
estate over many years and the week of how we should
how the fruit of that is being be a community, unified in
seen. It also challenged me serving God, put things into
not to limit God” perspective for me, and
challenged me to actually
Hazel Macaulay live out what the Bible
commands us to do”
cian Mawhinney