Page 9 - Contact Winter 2017
P. 9
Women are traditionally known
as the homemakers and together,
I believe, we can make High Kirk
feel more like home!
The countdown is on again for our next Women Personally, I love women’s weekends. I’ve been
Together Weekend Conference: Blessed. involved in running an annual weekend in my
The spaces are all booked, deposits are paid, home church for over 10 years and, while it’s a
planning for the content of the sessions is much smaller church, the difference it makes to
underway and prayer continues. It was such an relationships and how it improves the sense of
encouragement and answer to prayers that all the community has been remarkable.
spaces were booked within a short time of the first
announcement and the committee didn’t need My home church, where I belonged for over 30
to cajole or arm twist. Many who had been on the years was home. I knew everyone and everyone
last weekend not only rebooked but encouraged knew me! Even after four years I still struggle to
others to come! feel at home in High Kirk; I would happily slip out
of church and avoid coffee time, if I could! I’m sure
There were a number of highlights from the I’m not the only one. However, Norman’s sermon
previous conference, most of which we hope will series early in the year: Home, echoed my desire
be repeated: personal stories shared; Cindy’s for High Kirk to feel like home (surely it isn’t only
teaching; Friday night icebreakers; traybakes; in a small church where this can happen?); where
Eilidh Patterson; gift bags; prayer room; lots of I can be myself, not a water colour version of me.
laughter; hotel; everyone mixing well. Women are traditionally known as the
homemakers and together, I believe, we can
We are a very enthusiastic committee, passionate make High Kirk feel more like home!
about organising a weekend which firstly women
enjoy and come back to tell their friends about, As a committee, our hopes for this weekend are
with plenty of opportunities for laughter and fun that those who have booked will be able to get
as well as Biblical teaching and challenge to go there; that our speaker will both encourage and
deeper with God. challenge us about what it means to be blessed
and that there will be fun and laughter and
conversation, with friendships made and
strengthened so that we can bring something of
that back to our homes and church when
we return.
Wendy Delaney