Page 15 - Contact Autumn 2018
P. 15

Now we have the opportunity to       REFRESH
        provide a suite of buildings that will be
        fi t for purpose for many more years to   Maybe like me you feel rather
        come. God has never failed us and has   daunted about the prospect of the
        been at the centre of all that we do in   Winter activities commencing again
        High Kirk with our aim being to be   and you need to be refreshed and
        a church, creating fully devoted     encouraged in your ministry. Then
        followers of the Lord Jesus Christ,   how about perhaps spending time in
        who are loving, learning, serving and   the prayer room with others.
        reaching in His Name.
                                             “The law of the Lord is perfect,
        Could these words, that I had pictured   refreshing the soul. The statutes of
        on the branches, possibly represent   the Lord are trustworthy, making
        what the social space and some of the   wise the simple.”
        smaller rooms be used for.
                                             Some in our church have not yet come
        The new social space, where we could   to know the Lord personally and so it
        renew friendships over refreshments   would be great if we could encourage
        and even make new ones. But more     them to come along to Café Church or
        importantly, we could renew and      join a Life Group.
        strengthen our walk with the Lord as
        we learn from others.                Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you,
                                             no one can see the kingdom of God
        “but those who hope in the Lord will   unless they are born again.”
        renew their strength. They will soar
        on wings like eagles; they will run   REWIND
        and not grow weary, they will walk
        and not be faint.”                   As I look back over the years growing
                                             up in High Kirk, many of you have
        REJOICE                              been such a blessing to me and I am
                                             very thankful for the Godly infl uence
        Being thankful for what we have and   many of you have had in my life,
        share our blessings with others. Using   supporting and uplifting me in prayer
        our gifts and talents to serve in the   as I have endeavoured to serve the
        church whether that be choir, youth   Lord. We should all be involved in
        organisations, stewarding, welcoming   this project and I pray that together
        to name but a few. To support our    we can fi nish this project and leave
        local community through BOB’s Store   something for the generations to come
        and mission.                         as we too encourage and help others
                                             in the same manner that we have
        “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say   received.
        it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness
        be evident to all. The Lord is near.”  Carol Montgomery
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