Page 24 - Contact Winter 2018
P. 24
‘We’ and ‘but’ are two key words of ‘Time was, when a man missed a
that well-loved hymn: ‘We plough the stage-coach, it didn’t matter because
fields and scatter… but it is fed and there’d be another one next week. Now
watered…’ Humankind ploughs, prepares he’s thrown into despair if he misses the
and sows, but the miracle of growth section of a revolving door’.
belongs to Almighty God. Growth,
alongside the miracle of how our bodies Then again, I have found the phrase
are able to heal themselves, is a removing myself helpful. I remember a
wondrous thing. simple meal of sausages, beans and mash
at a monastery in Hertfordshire… just
During my shortish marriage, while in the then at least, it tasted far better than any
midst of a family of farmers, I was aware kind of fancy meal, simply because I had
that the farming side of the family never removed myself and undertaken a
stopped working. To hold up the milk twenty-four hour fast and prayer session.
tanker after milking was almost as
unthinkable as delaying the Royal Train! And when I was obliged to remove myself
In the summer, when fine weather was into a ‘basic’ Galgorm Road basement flat
at a premium, the harvest was often after my separation, I found great peace
gathered in under spotlights until maybe and enjoyment in simple meals like carvery
two in the morning. Their work ethic just ham, new potatoes and coleslaw. I had
commanded total respect. begun to free myself from hurt and
sadness and it was a new beginning.
Almost akin to farming, my brother-in-
law’s allotment produced almost every Living in London included volunteering
kind of fruit and vegetable imaginable. at several ‘Crisis at Christmas’ Open
The taste of produce that only had to Christmases. Volunteers queued randomly
journey from soil to kitchen just had to be with homeless guests for the meals
experienced to be believed. My sister’s that meant so much and there was no
roasts, always excellent, took on an hierarchy whatsoever. Having, through
entirely new level of pleasure. Family the night, peeled a mountain of
meals are always comforting and an sprouts alongside three cheerful nuns,
invaluable part of our emotional and several friends and myself, completely
spiritual wellbeing. So, I sometimes time-disorientated, made our way to my
feel saddened by the queue of cars flat and there we cooked a modest, but
parading through the McDonalds very tasty Christmas Dinner of orange
‘drive-thru’ around tea-time. Have we duck and trimmings.
lost the ability to order our lives so that
they include a space to cook and spend
an evening together with our families?