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It’s not every day that a church gets to To that end the Kirk Session had a day
celebrate 250 years of being in existence away in April to strategise and pray about
as a Christian fellowship. From the first pressing on in faith to what the Lord
tentative beginnings in Kirkinriola in 1769, has for us. We were encouraged not to
to a sister congregation in Drumack near plateau as a church but to be poised
Buckna in 1794, then linked into a third for great things ahead and to seek the
charge which became Trinity Ahoghill, presence of God among us by His Holy
before eventually moving into the centre Spirit. We are consolidating in some areas
of Ballymena and High Street in 1823 and and pushing ourselves into new ventures
finally porting out to the current Thomas in others.
Street site in 1976, this fellowship has
changed and reinvented itself many times. A number of recommendations came out
High Kirk has seen many changes over of the day which I will share with you in
those years and who would have thought this article. They involve us as a church
in 1769 that two hundred and fifty years being stretched into new ventures, maybe
later it would be such a large thriving being stirred out of our comfort zone but
congregation of people of all ages and always with the intent of us “running with
backgrounds. The footprint of the High perseverance the race marked out for us”
Kirk building is much larger than the one (Hebrews 12: 1-3) and “forgetting what
at Drumack in which we held an open air is behind and straining toward what is
service at the beginning of June. Those old ahead…pressing on towards the goal to
foundations are a reminder that ultimately win the prize” (Phil.3:13-14).
the church is the people of God and
God’s Spirit lives on in his people. As we OUTREACH
gathered in the open air we remembered
the saints who have gone before us and We continue to see outreach as a priority
who faithfully passed on the faith to the as a church and we have two staff
next generation. members (Keith & Lorraine) who have
mission and outreach as a major part of
their remit. However we want as elders
to encourage the organisations and the
congregation to be more invitational. Can
you think of people to invite to church or
to bridge-building events that we may run
through the year? May invitation and
hospitality continue to be an increasing
part of our DNA as a church going
We recognise that as a culture more and
more people are removed from church
tradition and to come into church as we
have it can be a bit of a culture shock.
We have aimed in the past to address this
Commentators on the Christian faith and to become more accessible to people
sometimes remind us that we are only one by running Café church a couple of times
generation away from extinction and it is a year. We now want to push the boat out
our responsibility to keep the fire burning and run what we are calling Café Explore
and to pass on the good news to the next for most of the year. The Session is in the
generation. Methods and styles change middle of making arrangements for Café
but the essential gospel should remain Explore to run on Sunday mornings in the
the same. In a series of different events Oasis from September. This will provide
coming up in the summer and autumn a relaxed atmosphere where people can
marking this 250th anniversary may we explore the basics of faith and ask
look back with thankfulness and forward questions. No prior knowledge of the
with renewed energy and vigour to what Christian faith will be assumed and people
the Lord has for us as a church. are free to come and go as they please.