Page 2 - Contact Spring 2020.indd
P. 2

King of


             As the days lengthen and we feel some             This Easter we shall emphasise and
             warmth in the air after a grey and cold           celebrate the One who is King of
             winter many of us look forward to                 Kings. He defeated death on that first
             Easter, not least for a few days off on           Resurrection Sunday and He will one day
             holiday. As I write this however the              return and show to the world that He
             uncertainties around the spread of                has disarmed all opposing rulers and
             Coronavirus threaten to spoil everything          authorities. We look forward to the day
             from flights to businesses to holidays to         when all will see that He reigns supreme.
             conferences. Almost every day we hear             As followers of Jesus a major part of
             news of jobs at risk, the economy                 being Easter people is that we should
             being fragile, hospital waiting lists             not fret as others do. Jesus is in control
             growing, gloomy climate change                    of world events, and yes of our lives too.
             forecasts and increased worries about             He is King of me. This means we bow the
             mental health.                                    knee in the big stuff like who we worship,
                                                               but also in the small stuff as we live day
             One could be tempted to be                        by day committing our lives to Him each
             discouraged at the fragility and                  morning. He is our King and we are part
             uncertainty of modern day life but                of his Kingdom and that is an eternal
             life has always been uncertain.                   kingdom which outlasts this earthly one.
             Life expectancy and our ability to deal           Jesus encourages us not to be anxious
             with life threatening disease is actually         and not to worry (Matthew 6:31-34) in our
             much better than it used to be and we             day to day lives even when we meet with
             have seen massive leaps in educational            frustrations, obstacles and disease.
             attainment.                                       Corrie ten Boom reminds us, “Worry
                                                               doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows,
             And yet for all this life is still so             it empties today of its strength.”
             uncertain. Proverbs 27:1 reminds us -
             “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you             Let’s allow the big truth of the
             do not know what a day may bring forth”.          kingship of Jesus this Easter to impact
             In all of the uncertainties we experience         and strengthen our everyday lives so
             it is good to hand our lives over to the          that people see the difference it makes
             One who is the King of Kings and who is           to have Jesus as King.
             in control of life and death.
                                                               Happy Easter,
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