Page 29 - Contact Winter 2015
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For me, being in a laser group is knowing that I would just say that because of the fellowship, you can confde in a small group of friends faith and fun, our LASER Group has been and LASER GROUPS about any problems or worries you are continues to be a very important part of my Christian journey. having and being able to pray about any Dennis Whitbread issue, however small or big, with a trusted group of people. I think everyone in our group Reflections from some of our small group members has beneftted from this, especially as we The Laser group is a place where I can fnd rest, always hear from week to week how things emotionally, physically and spiritually. Inspirational are going in each other’s lives and how God teaching and great friends supporting and has worked in these parts of our lives that the encouraging each other sums it up for me. I have been involved in a Laser Group for Being a member of a laser group in church benefts group has prayed for. Lorraine McAllister quite a number of years and it has now both your spiritual and social wellbeing as it enables Katy Clarke become a very important part of my life. you to study diferent passages of scripture, gives an Being in a laser Group is a learning experience I enjoy the fellowship and friendship, the opportunity to pray as one feels led to pray and Laser group has been really important to which challenges me as we study God’s word. studying of God’s word and having it interact and make closer friendships within the me, especially in the last year, as a group of Also, I am encouraged to hear how God is explained in great detail by our leader Betsy, group. people around you that you can share with working in the lives of the Groups’ family followed by the time we spend in Bertie McNeilly openly and you know are there to help and friends. discussion and prayer. I am now looking support and pray for you in difcult times. Maurice McAllister forward to Prayer Focus at the end of Being a member of a laser group is a great Joanne Fulton October when we as a group can meet opportunity to pray, study God’s word and deepen We were pleased when Philip invited us to join together in the church to pray. your own understanding of it, in a caring and sharing Our small group is great - it has played a Laser group at his home as we had already Irene Whitbread environment. Laser groups are especially good in a massive role in helping me feel part of our formed a close friendship with him through large church, where it is impossible to form close High Kirk family. Christianity explored and Discipleship courses. I enjoy going to our laser group led by Betsy relationships with everyone. They ofer the Clive Fulton Evenings start with tea, cofee and biscuits and Henry who puts in lots of study. We study the opportunity to meet in a small group, where catch up chat while everyone is arriving. Listening Bible using the notes provided. After that, we confdentiality is of utmost importance and where Small group has been a great way for me to to the banter and laughter you would say we were have a time of prayer for the sick, the needs people can support one another at a much deeper feel part of the church. It’s a fantastic way a happy band of christians. We study and discuss of others and the ministry team; Norman, level, as confdence and trust grows. to encourage and support each other in our verses of scripture Philip has selected which are Stevie and Stephen. We meet every 2 weeks Margaret McNeilly faith. I fnd it really helpful when studying the always relevant to living in the secular world of on a Wednesday evening in 5 diferent homes. bible to get other people’s insights and today. The friendship we share at laser is loyal, The friendship and fellowship is second to I have been involved in Laser Groups for a long time opinions on topics that arise. supportive and trustworthy which is refected in none and I would miss coming to these as a member and a leader. Each of the groups I have Jamesie McKay the prayer time at the end of the evening. Philip meetings. met with have in turn provided a place where I got has a unique way of getting the message across Cecil McMullin to know a lot of our church family in a meaningful What I like.... Small group has genuinely and we always learn something new and have way and I believe we each, through fellowship and made moving to Ballymena so easy. God a deeper insight and understanding of the topic I have been in this Laser Group for a number the study of God’s Word, deepened our faith and blessed me with a group of supportive and studied. of years now and I really enjoy the Bible were a support to each other. Praying together and challenging Christian friends and it’s a good William & Patrica Esler studies and the fellowship with the other for one another and the needs of others has been way to get to know people in a big Sunday members of the group. an important part of the time we spend together. crowd. Being fairly new to High Kirk, I was hesitant to join Elsie McAleese Betsy Henry a laser group. Studying the bible in a small group, What I get from it... Knowing we’re all praying with Christians who have far more knowledge I have been made very welcome since joining for specifc things for each other through the than me, flled me with fear. However, after the group last year. It has been good getting week is so encouraging and the way we dis- being in Philip’s group for ‘Discipleship Explored’ to know everyone and I enjoy the studies, cuss the passages, helping each other under- he kindly invited me to join his laser group. fellowship and fun. stand it and applying it practically is great. So of I went to my frst meeting feeling a little Ann Murdoch Helen McKay apprehensive, but I soon realised that I had no need to be nervous. The group were extremely encouraging and made me feel very welcome and I left excited for the next session. The relaxed atmosphere suits me well, particularly Phillip’s FELLOWSHIP | FUN | CARE | SUPPORT | JOURNEY | FAMILY | BLESSING extensive range of cofee gadgets. The cosiness of Philip and Sylvia’s snug is the perfect setting for our discussions and laughter. Two years after joining Phillip’s laser group I’m thrilled to say that I still get the same excitement every week as we dig deeper into the bible. Sherry Suett