Page 4 - Winter 2016 Contact Issue 40
P. 4
Over 40 years ago our congregation stepped up
to the mark and built the present building and for
this we are truly thankful. We live in a very
different world today and our suite of buildings
require to be modified to meet the needs of a
growing congregation and the outreach work we
are currently involved in, both now and in the
foreseeable future.
We as Christians should desire to be part of this
exciting challenge. Therefore, we all need to dig
deep, sacrificially give and be committed to this
important project. As my church family I would
urge you to read the “To Do” check list on the
opposite page and see how together we can all
contribute to building forward.
Carol Montgomery
Please note that even if you are giving regularly, Regular giving to the building project is given
giving on a gift day or doing both it’s important either by using the property fund envelope or
that you still fill out and return a pledge form. by standing order. If you wish to increase your
This helps us to forecast what could be coming standing order, please speak to Danny Riddel.
each month and over the year. This acts as a guide There will be specific gift days at High Kirk and
for us and is not a contract so feel free to change you will hear about these in due course.
your giving at any time.
It’s also our aim that each home will have a money
Leave your pledge form in the box at the stand box for loose change.
in the vestibule . The pledge form indicates the
intended monthly giving towards the building If you have any questions, please speak to Charlie
and one-off gift amounts. McConnell or Philip McCartney, on behalf of the
building project finance committee.