Page 18 - Spring 2017 Contact Issue 41
P. 18

Following the recent completion
                                               of their building project, which
                                               included a new open ‘social space’
                                               linking their sanctuary and new
                                               halls, leaders in West Church have
                                               been encouraged that a great
                                               number of their members,
                                               including many of those who
                                               initially doubted the need for such
                                               a facility, are delighted with it and
          BUILDING                             agree that it provides exactly the
                                               type of welcoming environment
                                               to encourage visitors and new
           PROJECT                             members to make friends and
                                               feel part of their fellowship. We
                                               know that their experience has
            Last September we celebrated       been replicated in many other
            and gave thanks for 40 years in    congregations who have also
            our present suite of buildings. We   moved forward in faith to develop
            were reminded of the remarkable    their life and witness in modern
            foresight of those who looked to   facilities which are accessible and
            the future with strong faith and   attractive to newcomers.
            led the design and construction
            of the sanctuary and supporting    Of course, the planned
            rooms which were ahead of their    development of our vestibule
            time and have stood the test of    area and minor hall is not the only
            time so well. We were reminded     element of the project. Much of
            that we too, in our generation,    the cost is necessary to address
            have the privilege and             current requirements and
            responsibility to look to the      expectations of our members
            future with strong faith. If we    and the relevant authorities
            are to remain effective in reaching   regarding child protection, etc.
            men and women of all ages for      and to provide enough small and
            Jesus and His kingdom, we must     medium sized rooms for the range
            prepare to meet the challenges     of regular weekly activities for all
            that come with living in a culture   ages. These rooms are already
            where involvement in church is     needed for our own BB, GB and
            not the norm for the majority.     other youth activities, as well as
            As part of our response to this    the programme of weekly English
            challenge we have embarked on      language classes. Over and
            a significant building project –   above these existing needs,
            Changing Lives Together.           opportunities are also arising
                                               for other ministries which
                                               would require additional
                                               accommodation, eg for
                                               counselling, debt advice, bible
                                               study and nurture groups.
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