Page 4 - Contact Summer 2018
P. 4

Learning from Jesus’ Questions

             What Am I Thinking?

              Jesus knew what they were thinking so He asked
              them, “Why do you have such evil thoughts in your
              hearts?” Matthew 9:4 NLT

              Mark Twain wrote, “What a wee little part of a per-
              son’s life are his acts and his words! His real life is led
              in his head, and is known to none but himself. All day
              long, the mill of his brain is grinding, and his thoughts,
              not those other things, are his history.” Reader’s Digest,
              Jan 1993, p. 155

              My mind so easily slips into negative or evil thoughts,
              bringing turmoil to my soul.

              The apostle Paul understood, encouraging me by

              ...Fix your thoughts on what is true, and
              honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and
              admirable. Think about things that are excellent and
              worthy of praise...Then the God of peace will be with
              you. Philippians 4:8-9 NLT

              My thought life is like a fight between two dogs
              described in an Indian proverb. The dog I feed the
              most will win. Join me in asking at any given moment,
              “Which dog am I feeding?”

              Dear Jesus, please forgive me for what I think.
              I open my mind to you, Lord. Fill me with thoughts of
              you - those things that are true and honorable, right,
              and pure - those thoughts that bring peace to my soul.

              Taken from Founder’s Blog
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