Page 6 - Contact Summer 2018
P. 6

The aim of this strand of our
           Over the past few months, you will   financing is to minimise the extent
           have seen all the changes start to   to which we must borrow from the
           appear around our buildings; with   bank.
           the new rear entrance area and the
           extended Minor Hall starting to take   With current interest rates being
           shape. Hopefully, you have already   historically low, the income from
           been enjoying all the extra car     savings accounts and investments is
           parking spaces.                     very low for most and it is very likely
                                               the rate of return is less than the
           Throughout the planning process     rate of inflation, so your savings are
           and so far in the build phase, the   losing value as they sit! The interest
           Building Project Committee and      rate of our loan facility with the bank
           Session have tried to reinforce     is around 4% and so by considering
           how much we feel these building     an Interest Free Loan you can help
           improvements are about people.      us minimise the costs to the build
           Specifically, about creating spaces   while not impacting the value of your
           that help us serve those already in   savings in the short term. Of course,
           our community of faith and reach out   we understand circumstances may
           with open doors to those in our town,   change and at any time these loans
           that do not yet know Jesus Christ.  can be paid back immediately and
                                               the Interest Free Loan Form explains
           Thank you to all of those already   the conditions and agreements that
           giving regularly and sacrificially. We   will be honoured.
           have surpassed our targets so far
           and have given over £480,000.  With   Can we ask that you consider this
           payments now beginning to our       option prayerfully and generously?
           contractor and other fees, like     If you have further questions feel
           planning and consultancy, we are    free to speak to myself, James Hamill
           now expecting the need to call on our   (Treasurer) or John Jenkins (Building
           loan facility with the bank very soon.   Finance Committee Convener).
           For this reason, we would encourage   Alternatively drop either a completed
           those that can give, to do so, but an   form or one with just your contact
           alternative option is to consider an   details in the post box on the
           Interest Free Loan. Perhaps you have   Changing Lives Together stand in the
           been blessed financially and can    Foyer and one of the committee will
           consider giving from that to this   be in touch to discuss next steps.
                                               Ryan Jess
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