Page 12 - Contact Winter 2018
P. 12
Or, as Paul might put it, that when we • Passionate, Spirit-filled, high
look at our very youngest through to energy and intimate worship;
our oldest teens we would all, “[I] thank
my God in all my remembrance of you, • Inspiring, relevant, engaging, age
always in every prayer of mine for you appropriate teaching and equipping;
all making my prayer with joy”
[Philippians 1:3-4]. Our prayer is that • Rhythms of prayer;
as you, our wider congregation, look at
our children and young people – you • One-to-One / Small Group / Large
would be so excited, so thankful, so Group discipleship;
hope-filled for how Jesus is moving
in this generation that you would • Empowering stories, interviews
continually thank God for them and and guests that encourage faith
for how He is moving in their lives to become reality;
(whilst praying for even more!).
• Fun, energy, colour and laughter
We want to continue to build a through social nights and life giving
movement and ministry of excitement, community;
encounter and equipping that sees
our vision come to life and a clear • Children, young people and leaders
legacy shown and left for all discovering their gifting;
generations to see and be inspired
by; not just in church but in the world. • Releasing a generation to serve in
We are longing to raise our children and the church, local community and
young people so that they will be wider world.
a generation of disciples in whom the
love of Jesus “may abound more and This year, too, I am so excited to say
more, with knowledge and all wisdom, that we are investing in a year group of
so that they may approve what is young people in equipping them to
excellent (pure and blameless, filled facilitate and lead in a way that is so
with fruit, to the glory of God)… their hands on. We have an incredible group
lives lived in a manner worthy of the of 9 leaders in our Upper Sixth age
gospel of Christ” [Philippians 1:9-11, bracket this year, whom God has stirred
27]. wonderful things in. And the time is
right for us to unleash them to serve
Our vision, the very longing of our and set an example to their peers.
hearts for each of our children
and young people, is to see them For a long time I have been challenged
encounter Jesus and be so excited and by these words: “Great leadership is
well equipped to live their lives for Jesus not ultimately found in convincing
each day. But more than that, we long others to serve your dream - it finds
to fill them and release them that they its truest expression in releasing and
might be Kingdom carriers who point resourcing the dreams God has placed
the world around them to Jesus by their in others, the call God has placed
following, obedience and impact, so on their lives… Discipleship -
that they will be built up, the church apprenticeship in the life of Jesus - is
strengthened, and many more lives the only way to learn Jesus-
transformed. That they would be leadership.” [Karl Martin -Lead].
excited, that they might encounter the
living God, that they will be equipped If I am serious about growing disciples
in every programme, in every and leaders within all that we do, and
conversation, in every moment of releasing them to serve then I, and we
sharing life, and in all that we do to as the wider church, need to be serious
follow Jesus we pray that children and and willing about releasing them to
young people have the opportunity and follow and express their own individual
the space to experience, hear, receive calling.
and participate in:
So how are we doing that? Well, it’s
really quite simple. Yet so far, we have
seen incredible results.