Page 7 - Contact Winter 2019.indd
P. 7

Over the past couple of months, I have had
             the privilege of serving others within the Café
             Explore team. Right from the very outset, when
             we first met together to plan and have a chat
             about our vision/purpose, it was so clear how
             eager and excited everyone was to see how
             God was going to move over the coming weeks/
             year. I must admit as a team we were rather
             nervous on the first morning (even Willis – if
             you can believe that!), really due to fear of the   God is moving, without a shadow of a doubt
             unknown! We wondered for instance, how            within Café Explore, as we worship, pray and
             many would turn up? Would the technology          listen to Willis sharing scripture, and using
             (sound/visuals) work properly? How well would     ‘real’ stories/examples to explain how we can
             people interact? Would everything flow/work       apply the message practically, so as to
             well together?                                    positively impact our own/others’ lives. His
                                                               approach may be relatively simple, yet it is very
             Prior to launching Café Explore on week one, as   special, with some responding with ‘Amen’,
             a team we spent quality time in prayer, inviting   ‘Hallelujah’ or ‘Praise the Lord’! People are also
             God to take ‘the reigns’, lead the way, to take   encouraged to worship freely, and as they feel
             total control and to be very present with us.     led to, whether by closing their eyes, raising
             We pray a similar prayer each week, and every     their hands, clapping, or even dancing!
             Sunday we experience an overwhelming sense
             of God’s Holy Spirit filling the room, as we meet   I have been extremely blessed, and deeply
             together in ‘Our Church’ (Oasis).                 encouraged personally every single week, in
                                                               ways I could never have imagined. People never
             This warm, safe, friendly, inviting atmosphere    fail to comment on how they enjoy our ‘easy,
             has helped folks to settle in very quickly as they   relaxed’ atmosphere each week. I truly
             enjoy a chat over tea/coffee and a wee scone!     believe however that this hasn’t just come
             Our primary mission as a team is to develop       about through anything we have done or
             meaningful relationships with people; we’re       created. Instead we all affirm that this is due
             interested in every individual, and how their     ultimately to the presence of the Holy Spirit,
             week has gone for example, (even if it’s been     which is clearly tangible.  He is right there in our
             a rather hectic/challenging one!) Such open       midst each and every Sunday morning, what an
             and honest conversations have led to a few        incredible blessing and honour! To Him be the
             individuals feeling comfortable to share per-     glory forever!
             sonal stories with some of the team, which they
             never felt able to do before. This in a nutshell is   Laura McKeown
             what church should be all about, helping and
             supporting each other in life’s trials, as well as
             celebrating in the good times.
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