Page 9 - Contact Spring 2020.indd
P. 9
Going to Israel with High Kirk was an
amazing experience, twenty-nine
individuals who bonded; brothers and
sisters in Christ who went on a spiritual
journey together. Each day unveiled I have many lasting and special memories
something new and revealed the of our trip, not least the lovely group of
scriptures in a different way than ever people I shared it with. There were many
before. Sunday morning service in the emotional moments especially as we
boat on the Sea of Galilee and thinking worshipped in places Jesus would have
of Jesus calming the storm was a recognised, like the Sea of Galilee. The
special moment, later the beauty and trip made me very aware of what a revo-
significance of The Mount of Beatitudes. lutionary Jesus was. His teaching of love
and compassion and his reaching out to
Each day brought new emotions but everyone who accepted him must have
nothing could prepare me for Friday been like a breath of fresh air to a people
when we visited the Garden of who were burdened by the Law.
Gethsemane, the peace and tranquillity
of the garden and yet knowing the Merilyn Carmichael
turmoil our Lord experienced there; his
disciples nearby but yet so alone. In the
afternoon we went to the Garden Tomb,
to be at Calvary a place of such sorrow
and suffering was very humbling, to visit
the Tomb where our Lord’s body was
placed knowing he bled and died for me.
I have never felt so blessed to receive
communion or have ever sung the words
“When I survey the wondrous Cross” with
such meaning. A life changing experience.
Patricia Esler
Pools of Bethesda in Jerusalem.
Where Jesus healed the cripple