Page 21 - Contact Autumn 2020
P. 21

Saturday Morning

        Prayer Meeting

        The ministries of HK have been supported
        faithfully in prayer by prayer warriors over the
        years. Many of those have seldom missed a
        Saturday morning until the Covid19 pandemic
        entered all our lives.

        This pandemic led to the shutdown of all
        church related ministries on 20 March. During
        the shutdown a group of the regular Saturday
        prayer meeting attendees set aside Saturday          Perhaps as you read this you think that those
        mornings from 8.30 to 9.30 to pray in our own        who attend are some sort of super spiritual
        homes following a format of worship songs,           elite. You could not be further from the truth
        devotions and prayer topics which was                but one thing that we do share is a deep love
        coordinated using text messages. This time           and desire to meet to share and pray together
        was very special for all of us with many prayer      for ourselves, our own and the wider church
        requests being shared at such a unique time in       families, our staff and missionaries, our land
        the history of the UK.                               and the world. We have a deep conviction that
                                                             prayer is the single most important ministry
        When Government restrictions were lifted and         in our church and that none of the wonderful
        churches were allowed to open, the first face        work that goes on within and outside the walls
        to face meeting to start in the church was the       of High Kirk can flourish and be a blessing
        prayer meeting on Saturday 4th July in the           without prayer behind it.
        Birney room with a maximum of 13 people to
        enable social distancing rules. It was a meeting     As the leader, one of my greatest encourage-
        like no other, one I don’t think any of the eleven   ments has been to see people who have
        who were there will ever forget. Such a sense        come to faith recently through Alpha join the
        of joy that God had protected us and allowed         Saturday morning prayer time. It has also been
        us to meet together once again. Each person          an encouragement for everyone in the group
        was able to share about their experiences            to see the development of a second corporate
        during lockdown, some had known great times          prayer group PUSH within the church. It is
        of nearness to God and others, myself                impossible to read either the Old or New
        included had found it a very difficult and           Testaments without realising the vital
        challenging time. Sadly, not all who have            importance of God’s people meeting together
        prayed faithfully for so many years have been        to worship and pray and call out to God to send
        able to return for health reasons so the             His Holy Spirit to come and heal our people
        average attendance has been 10 so, there is          and our land.
        still room for a few more or indeed any
        number more if we introduce a rota.
                                                             Trevor McIlroy
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