Page 22 - Contact Autumn 2020
P. 22
Life Groups
Between 10 and 14 people, usually a “My command is this: Love each other as I
Wednesday night, somebody’s house, tea, have loved you.” John 15:12
coffee, maybe some sweet treats, the bible,
friends, prayer, questions, answers, quietness, John 15 is the passage about Jesus being the
chatter, support, discipleship. Just some key true vine and that we should remain in Him.
elements of Life Groups in High Kirk. There will be pruning, people may hate or
challenge you, but it is interesting that more
If we are honest any of us already in a Life than once here Jesus commands us to love
Group will have things we like and dislike each other. This passage ultimately is telling
about it. It might be that the Bible study is too us how we can bear fruit. It seems He is saying
long… or too short. It might be the night it is on that together we are stronger.
doesn’t really suit, or the location is so far from
where you live. Or it might be that you cannot
wait each week to meet with those people,
catch up, study, share and pray. It is maybe a How do we get the most
mixture of some of the above and more.
Wherever you are on your Life Group journey, from Life Groups?
it is without doubt the place in High Kirk where
you get to know a few people better than you Paul suggested in 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Follow
could ever know them meeting week to week my example, as I follow the example of
on a Sunday in the foyer or car park. Getting Christ”. Studying the bible for knowledge is
to know people better is not a bad thing, and helpful, but if we are to be striving after Jesus
for such a large congregation for many it is the like an apprentice follows his teacher, we need
place they first felt at home, but it is so much to be applying what we are studying and that is
more than a social engagement, or at least it the one thing we are really encouraging in Life
should be. Groups this year. Understand as a group how
Christ-like characters can be formed through
applying the study, praying in to the situations
that people are facing and keeping each other
accountable week to week. It might not be
as comfortable as we would choose, but in
being faithful to God’s leading and to be a team
player in your Life Group, the whole group will
“Follow my example, as I follow
the example of Christ”