Page 10 - Spring 2017 Contact Issue 41
P. 10
Arriving in Sasalu India with my
paintbrush, roller and tray ready
to start painting was not to be.
Uel informed the team that tyres
would be arriving in the evening
which we would be converting into 4
a play park.
After digging in and joining
On Monday morning the team thirteen tractor tyres (tunnel 1), six
was met by a scene resembling lorry tyres (tunnel 2), joining lorry
the 12th of July with tractor, lorry, and car tyres to make an igloo,
car, motorbike and bicycle tyres attaching motorcycle tyres to a
(pic 1) piled up in the area of the frame to form a climbing frame
playground. (pic 3) and car tyres to chains to
make swings, thirty tonne of sand
had to be moved (not a
wheelbarrow to be seen) to fill
two sand pits.
Who needs wheelbarrows when
1 you have the children from the
orphanage, who moved the
No one in the team had any majority of the sand before going
experience building a park out of to school. (pic 4)
tyres but with God in control, who
needs experience. After two weeks which also
involved painting the orphanage
Using some pictures of existing roof, electrical work and other
parks the team set about minor works the park was finally
constructing the park (pic2). completed. It was a pleasure to
Fortunately Albert (Muckamore watch the children enjoying the
Presbyterian) had brought a drill play area. (pic 6)
bit that was used to drill the holes
in the thick walls of the tyres. The What an amazing trip, which I
bit proved invaluable as there was thoroughly enjoyed. The work
no way we could have constructed was very challenging constructing
the park without it. a children’s playground with an
assortment of tyres. A scripture
2 verse, Philippians 4 V13, I can do
all this through Him who gives me
strength was very appropriate for
us all. My lasting memories are of
the children helping, raising their
hands during a worship song and
3 praying for us on our last evening
in India.
Maurice McAllister