Page 12 - Spring 2017 Contact Issue 41
P. 12

           INDIA                               They appreciated me praying with
                                               them again as they continued
                                               on their journey. I also had the
                                               opportunity to meet up with an
            On this last trip in February I    architect friend, Vijay and his wife,
            covered over 4300 km on my bike,   who have been on a couple of my
            completed two new training         earlier workshops. It was great
            workshops in Bangalore and         to see the different techniques,
            in Salem with 17 new people        which he implemented in his
            attending. I revisited a few past   current projects.
            building projects in Hampi,
            Bangalore, Bandipur and at an      There is a new project that I
            orphanage in Ooty. The 2 lectures   have been asked to oversee and
            I presented in the two colleges    manage down in Waterford. It
            went really well, with one college   involves raising funds, organizing
            interested in using some of my     the work teams and sourcing
            material in their architectural    materials and equipment. The
            courses. I met up with many        Pastor and his family of 7 have
            Indian friends, where plenty of    currently been living in their
            conversations were had and little   partitioned garage for the past 18
            seeds of faith were planted here   months, until the fire-damaged
            and there.                         home they have, is rebuilt. They
                                               have no doubt of their call to
            As many of you know, I am          Christian service and they
            involved with a motorbikers’       graciously acknowledge and
            ministry in India, Ireland and     accept the heavy cost to the
            Britain and travel to numerous     family, as they obediently follow
            events each year, meeting up with   Christ. I was shocked at the
            the friends I have made over the   conditions, in which they have
            years. One such couple of Irish    been raising their family and yet
            bikers from Cork (Dylan and Olga)   they continue working in full-time
            are currently travelling around    ministry, without complaint. I
            the world. They were traveling     came away challenged and truly
            through India while I was there in   blessed having spent two days
            February and so I acted as their   with them.
            travel guide for a few days around
            Bangalore.                         Since I have just secured some
                                               funding for this project prior to
                                               going to India, I will now focus
                                               on securing teams and
                                               materials ready to start. We now
                                               have approximately £15,000 of
                                               the £90,000 needed to complete
                                               this project.
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