Page 24 - Contact Summer 2017
P. 24


                      IN HIGH KIRK

             Over the past years, hospital authorities have      When someone leaves the hospital, we are
             made major changes to their level of contact        given no details of any move to another
             with patients’ churches. Contrary to what           hospital or a care home - just told their name
             many of you think, we are not given access to       is no longer on the patient list – at times we’ve
             a comprehensive list of Presbyterian patients       even been wrongly informed that someone has
             from which we can note any High Kirk names –        been discharged! Care homes also have stricter
             that was stopped over 20 years ago. This means      policies regarding giving out any information
             that we are dependent on the chaplains or the       about their residents, so again we need to be
             patient’s family informing us when one of our       informed.
             members is in hospital.
                                                                 When someone is in hospital or seriously ill
             Further changes in the chaplaincy department        at home, or moved to a care home, the family
             mean that that our Presbyterian chaplain in         concerned are often so involved in the situation
             Antrim is only allowed to visit certain wards.      that they forget to contact the church office.
             High Kirk members who are patients in other         Why not offer to do so for them? Some people
             wards may or may not be visited by another          already do this and it is very much appreciated.
             chaplain. So do not assume that we always
             know of hospital admissions – in fact, more         None of the above is intended as any criticism
             often we don’t!                                     of those who work in the health sector – they
                                                                 do a great job! Today’s society requires a level
             Members of the pastoral staff normally visit        of personal privacy and data protection that
             Antrim Area hospital once or twice a week and       necessitates the withholding of information.
             other hospitals as the need arises.
             Unfortunately some High Kirk members have           If you hear of someone being in hospital or
             not been visited by us, either because we didn’t    seriously ill at home, or moving from their own
             know they were there, or by the time we heard,      home on a temporary or permanent basis,
             they had been discharged – increasingly             please phone/email the church office or one of
             hospital stays are becoming shorter.                the pastoral team. Alternatively fill in an
                                                                 Information Card at church – that’s more
                                                                 reliable than verbal mention!

                                                                 Please help us, and especially my successor, to
                                                                 be more effective in our pastoral care.

                                                                  Anne Taylor                                                          pastoral



        1 JOHN 3: 18

             As a church family, we are called to show love
             to one another in a practical way, and I want
             to highlight a few ways in which we seek to do
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