Page 20 - Contact Summer 2017
P. 20

On a Tuesday night the “Art and prayer thing”
                                                               takes place. We have made lots of things -
                                                               ceramic crosses, pots, flowers, cards, jewellery,
                                                               100 hats for India and the list goes on.
                                                               We linked in with the Community Arts
                                                               Partnership and made a beautiful ceramic
                                                               elephant for the memorial garden in the estate.
                                                               More recently we worked with an artist, Helen
                                                               Sloan, and made art work for Ballymena Health
                                                               Centre and another piece of art, ‘Pathways To
            Number 7 Alexandra Park, a house in the            Hope’, which is currently on display in
            middle of a row of houses, a house made of         Clotworthy House.
            bricks and mortar with windows and doors,
            no different in construction from the houses       There are lots more things planned for the
            surrounding it. There are flowers in boxes on      future from grow it to cook it programmes,  a
            the window, there are daffodils growing in pots,   clothing bank, a photography class for men to
            but immediately something stands out.  A large     name but a few.
            wooden sign on the wall with the name Hope
            House carved out in gold letters.  Should we       The Bible Study on a Thursday night is the
            turn the key and see who lives in a house like     highlight of the week for me. To be part of a
                                                               group of up to 24 people gathered together
                                                               to study God’s word in a kitchen in a house in
            We enter a hallway and are stuck by a              the middle of the Doury Road housing estate,
            wonderful sense of peace.   We turn left into a    a place once known for all the wrong reasons.
            bright room. There are comfy chairs to sit on, a   Only God can make that happen.
            unit with various bits and pieces displayed - it
            could be a room in any home except something       We offer many different programmes in Hope
            immediately catches your eye. There is a large     House and we thank God that He has given us
            wooden cross in the corner of the room made        these tools to help to build relationships with
            by Roy McCartney.
                                                               all those who come in through the doors, but it
                                                               is about much more than programmes.
            In the kitchen, the walls are not adorned by       Nothing thrills my heart more than to witness
            pictures in frames, but by artwork made by         someone coming to know Jesus as their friend
            the children who come into the house.              and saviour and that is what it is all about.
            Upstairs there are 3 rooms, one with a pool        We have got to keep Jesus at the centre of all
            table, one an office and one a very special room.   that we do, to always point others to Jesus,
            In this room there are prayer flowers in vases,    to walk beside them in their joy and their
            an amazing piece of Carole Kane’s art work,        struggles to help them become devoted
            ‘Aslan’, hangs on the wall and a cross on a table   disciples and followers of His, to fulfil His
            carved out of a tree trunk by Bertie McNeilly      purposes for their lives.  The construction of
            stands by the window. This is our prayer room,     Hope House is man-made, put together and
            a “thin place” as Norman has often talked about.   held together by bricks and mortar, but the
            On a Monday night, children arrive for our         heart-beat of Hope house is something man
            Good News Club. They make things, bake             could never make. I believe that the heart-beat
            things (sort of) are noisy and full of life but wow   of Hope House is God’s heart-beat. He lives in
            it’s just great to be able to tell these children   Hope House by His spirit. Hope House is alive
            about a Jesus who loves them no matter what.       and living because of Him.
            What a wonderful privilege and opportunity
            God has given us to sow seeds in these little
            lives.                                             Lorraine McAllister

            Three mornings per week, Tuesday, Wednesday
            and Thursday mornings, folk from the
            community and church pop in and chat over a
            cup of tea and toast. We talk a lot, laugh a lot,
            cry sometimes but know that no matter what
            is going on in our lives, we are there for each
            other, but more importantly we can bring it all
            to our great God in prayer.
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