Page 16 - Contact Summer 2017
P. 16
Anna & Zoe Humphreys John Montgomery, Naomi Crawford
& Rachel McCartney
“When Gordon asked if the girls would take
part in a talent show I was apprehensive, “Having been asked by a member of the church
however this emotion was soon overcome by to sing a particular song was quite humbling,
the girls excitement, and for the next 4 weeks the song must have meant a lot to this
Anna and Zoe put together their gymnastics individual. They requested that Rachel &
routine to the theme tune of “I’m a Gummy Naomi would play along with me. I loved this
Bear”. They worked so hard and independently song ‘It Must Have Rained’ it is a song I have
compiling a tiring 3.20-minute performance. been singing for many years.
On the night, Mummy was definitely more To have the girls play along with me was a joy,
nervous, but all the performers were so such talent from two great young ladies.
supportive and encouraging right before they Both girls had different ideas as to how the
went on stage which settled their nerves (and format of the song should be performed; we
mine)! They got huge cheers and rounds of tried a few different ideas, and finally came
applause and it really lifted them up during up with what was offered on the night. Their
the routine. It was a proud and unforgettable understanding of chord selection was fantastic,
moment for our household and both girls loved their musical ability was amazing.
being part of the night.
I want to thank them for their commitment to
On reflection, it has furthermore embedded the practice times, and I trust that the song was
them in the HK church family and encouraged a blessing, and indeed the video produced will
their faith to grow within HK. Anna said, “I put bring joy to many people in our congregation
all my effort out onto the stage and I really who may not have been able to make it on the
enjoyed myself” with Zoe saying, “I loved it. I night.
tried my hardest and I had loads of energy”.
Thank you HK for asking us to be part of a In His Service”
great night.”
John Montgomery
Jenny Humphreys