Page 18 - Contact Summer 2017
P. 18
Café explore
‘Exploring Mark’s Gospel
- Walking at your Pace’
From 29th January to 26th March, Café That meant that those who had not yet made a
Explore took place in the Oasis on Sunday profession of faith wouldn’t have to sing along
mornings. We had just finished the Life with words they did not yet believe, but they
Explored course in Café Church before could at least hear words that spoke the truth
Christmas and wanted to be able to help those of the gospel. We also had a weekly ‘testimony’
who attended to grow further in their or interview on a subject that was relevant to
understanding of the gospel and God’s word. the themes that would be explored in the bible
Café Explore was different in format to the study. Most time was spent in studying Mark’s
regular Café Church which maintained many of gospel at a pace that was appropriate for the
the traditional aspects of a Sunday service. The different groups. Many of those who took part
focus of Café Explore was on studying the bible remarked that it was one of the best learning
together in groups with people who were at experiences, with one participant even stating
similar stages in their faith journey. There was that it was during this study that he came to
still music at the beginning of the session but faith. Below are some of the thoughts of those
this was performed by several of our who participated.
talented praise team and was non-participatory
in nature.