Page 25 - Contact Summer 2017
P. 25
CHRISTMAS BASKETS To meet food safety requirements, these
dinners have to be prepared in our own church
Christmas can be a hard time for people of kitchen by an excellent team of chief cook and
any age group, but many of our elderly vegetable preparers and food labellers!
members find it especially difficult, bringing
sad memories, cold and dark days, and Sometimes the meals may include lasagne or a
feelings of isolation. We try to ensure that none chicken bake or vegetarian, but by far the most
of our 200 elderly and housebound people feel popular are beef stew or cottage pie –
forgotten, so every Christmas they are visited complete meals with potato already included.
by one of the pastoral staff or their visitor and Like all of these gift ministries, the freezer
each given a small basket of groceries or dinners are simply a gesture of our love and
toiletries and a handwritten Christmas card. support at a difficult time in your family.
Situations of financial need are best met
The value of each gift is small, but the time that through bags of blessing or our benevolent
has been spent preparing the baskets by the fund.
Girls’ Brigade and a team of volunteers lets our
older folk know that they are important mem- THE GIFT OF HELPS – DO YOU HAVE
bers within our church - as their little card says IT AND ARE YOU USING IT?
‘With love and best wishes from your church
family at High Kirk to let you know that you are Many people in our church are involved in
valued within our church’.
these ministries because they have the gift of
helps – a lovely gift that can be undervalued
HARVEST GIFTS within any church or fellowship. It is always
right to pray for those facing tough times but
After our harvest services each year, the sometimes there is more we can do – the first
flowers, fruit and vegetables are divided up and book on Tear Fund was entitled ‘They can’t eat
given out to those who are older or ill. Each prayer.’ So continue with your prayer support
person may only receive a small gift of 4 or 5 for the hurting but also ask yourself if there is
items, but so many people have expressed something more you can do practically.
gratitude to the kind volunteer deliverers –
they deeply appreciate that they have been Each of the ministries mentioned here are
remembered and that something has been sent organised and financed within our church
‘with love from your church family at High Kirk.’ pastoral ministries, but several times a week I
hear of High Kirk members showing their
FUNERAL CATERING loving concern for others through practical
expressions of kindness eg paying informal
At a time of bereavement, another issue which visits, providing transport, helping with
families face is providing refreshments after shopping or other practical jobs such as
the funeral service, especially for those who cleaning or gardening. Thank you to caring High
have travelled a distance. We have a great team Kirk members who exercise a quiet ministry of
of ladies and a few men who prepare and serve looking out for the needs of older, ill or
the food, and look after the clearing up in the bereaved neighbours and friends. What you
kitchen and halls, allowing the family to focus are doing may go unnoticed by the rest of us,
on speaking with people who have come to but the Lord sees your kindness and
offer support. Like all these ministries, there compassion and will bless you.
is no charge for funeral catering though many
families choose to make a donation. If you are already serving in a ministry or are
taking informal opportunities to minister to
FREEZER MEALS neighbours and friends, please continue to
do so, but if you would like more information
about helping in any of these caring ministries,
When someone we love is seriously ill or dies, please speak to me. Also have a word with me
cooking and eating well can be the last thing if you or another member you know seems
on our minds. Add to that the time pressure of neglected – it is important that everyone is
extra things to do, and we can easily resort to included.
snacking on less nutritional food. That’s when
being given a couple of freezer meals can be a Anne Taylor