Page 18 - Contact Winter 2019.indd
P. 18
Fundraising for
About 10 months ago a good friend of mine Despite being an old dude now at almost 62, I
took prostate cancer which sadly began to still have a love for cycling and so I thought it
spread to his bones. I visited and supported might be a good idea to try and see if people
him throughout his illness but it was simply that would normally not consider this activity
heart breaking watching this once super strong might take up a sofa to saddle challenge. I had
man suffering so much with no good prognosis to enlist a great team of friends to help lead and
for his long-term future. I began to think that support the new beginners each Wednesday
perhaps I should consider doing another charity evening starting early May, with their goal to
event for Macmillan. train for the 30-mile challenge on the 24th July.
Train they did and some 81 riders took part to
After texting 3 good friends Gary McQuoid, complete the challenge.
Brian Adams and Neil McKeown simply
saying that I wanted to do something for We planned 2 more events, a 60- and 100-mile
Macmillan and how did they feel about helping; event and to my delight some of the beginners
their replies were immediate saying whatever took part in both events, completing them at
I planned they were 100% behind it (I am quite their own speed and having great fun doing so.
sure they regretted this commitment many
times since!!)
60 Mile event pictured left
30 Mile event pictured below