Page 11 - Contact Autumn 2020
P. 11

“When the congregation is to meet for

        public worship, the people…ought all

        to come and join therein”

        Our worship is enhanced

        In Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 Paul            These are only a few of the reasons that
        speaks of the supreme importance of                   gathering as the people of God is so important
        corporate praise. In both passages he                 and why we miss out if we choose to absent
        encourages God’s people to sing psalms,               ourselves from the assembly of believers.
        hymns and spiritual songs. What we often miss         Again, I want to stress that this is not meant to
        in these passages is that our singing is not only     cause those who are unable through health or
        addressed to God but to one another. As Paul          circumstance to meet with God’s people to
        says in one case, ‘…addressing one another…’          feel guilty. The apostle Paul often found
        (Eph. 5:19) and in the other, ‘…teaching and          himself unable to meet with God’s people but
        admonishing one another…’ (Col. 3:16).                was sustained as they came to minister to him.
                                                              This should be a call to each of us in the church
        The purpose, as Paul highlights in the                to do more to be present with the people of
        Colossians passage, is so that ‘the word of           God who are unable to gather with the body.
        Christ’ might ‘dwell in you richly’. This is          Nevertheless, whenever it is possible to come
        something that just cannot be done as we              together we should not neglect this immense
        sing along with a service on the screen.              privilege. I finish with John Murray’s description
                                                              of the church which I believe is apt to all that
        The first Sunday I was able to gather back with       we have been considering:
        God’s people there was a felt and tangible
        difference in the praise as I heard the voices        ‘The church is the assembly of the covenant
        of my brothers and sisters join together in           people of God, the congregation of believers,
        worshipping God and it was a truly uplifting          the household of God, the fellowship of the
        experience.                                           Holy Spirit, the body of Christ. It consists of
                                                              men and women called by God the Father into
                                                              the fellowship of his Son, sanctified in Christ
                                                              Jesus, regenerated by his Spirit, and united in
        God is present                                        the faith and confession of Christ Jesus as Lord
                                                              and Saviour. Where there is such a communion
        Now, just to clarify, I’m not denying that            gathered in Jesus’ name, there is the church of
        we can experience God’s presence personally           God’ (emphasis added).
        as individuals; we certainly can. But there is a
        sense in which God is uniquely present when           Keith McIlroy
        his people are gathered together. Although
        addressed to a specific situation involving the
        church (Matt. 18:17), Jesus famously said, ‘For
        where two or three are gathered in my name,
        there am I among them’ (18:20). Because we
        are called out as God’s covenant community
        and gathered together in the name of Christ,
        he meets with his people in a unique way as
        they gather to hear his word preached, pray
        together, and sing praises. The Spirit is
        manifested in corporate worship in a way
        that’s just not possible outside that setting
        (1 Cor. 12:7; 14:26).
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