Page 10 - Contact Autumn 2020
P. 10
“The church is the assembly of the covenant
people of God, the congregation of believers,
the household of God, the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit, the body of Christ.”
The meaning of ‘church’ God commands us to gather
A popular saying in Christian circles today This problem of people wanting to opt out of
goes something like this: ‘We don’t go to gathering with brothers and sisters in Christ is
church, we are the church!’ In many respects not a new one. Over 400 years ago the writers
I agree with this saying. Church is not a building of the Westminster Confession of Faith faced
and a building is never referred to as a church the same issue in their day.
in the New Testament. That’s why many early
Christians referred to the building as the In the Directory of Public Worship they state,
‘meeting house’. However, there is another ‘When the congregation is to meet for public
sense in which ‘going to church’ is essential to worship, the people…ought all to come and join
what it means to ‘be’ a church. The Greek therein; not absenting themselves from the
word translated ‘church’ in the New public ordinance through negligence, or upon
Testament is ‘ekklesia’. It’s derived from the pretence of private meetings.’ The reason the
Hebrew word ‘qahal’ which referred to the Westminster Divines took the public gathering
‘assembly’ or ‘gathering’ of the people of God in of God’s people so seriously was because they
the Old Testament. Even in the Greco-Roman had read the words of Hebrews 10:24-25, ‘And
culture of the New Testament period the word let us consider how we may spur one another
ekklesia simply referred to any public assembly on toward love and good deeds, not giving up
or gathering. That means that at its most basic meeting together, as some are in the habit of
and fundamental level the church is a doing, but encouraging one another—and all
gathering. So in that sense we ‘go’ to church the more as you see the Day approaching.’
because we go to gather with God’s people in The author of Hebrews wants to remind the
our local assembly. Also, if you look at all the people that gathering is essential to their
synonyms for church in the New Testament spiritual wellbeing and is necessary for
they all refer to a corporate gathered entity: encouraging one another as they await Christ’s
a flock (1 Peter 5:2), a body (1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. return. We too would do well to heed this
4:12), a family (Eph. 2:19), a temple (1 Cor. 3:16; admonition and gather for encouragement
Eph. 2:21), a covenant people (2 Cor. 3:6). whenever possible.
When you think of some of these images, we
cannot really be called a ‘flock’ if we are
scattered sheep, we cannot function as a ‘body’
if all the parts are removed from one another, We need to build one another up in love
and a temple can only be constructed when the
‘living stones’ (1 Peter 2:5) are built up together. In both 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4
This is not to say that the church is never Paul refers to the church as the body of Christ
scattered – we gather to scatter into our and speaks passionately about the need for all
various callings in the world throughout the the parts of the body to work together in order
week – but it is to say that the essence of the for the people of God to be built up in
church is a gathering of God’s people. maturity (Ephesians 4:11-13). He goes on to
speak of realities that can only be carried out
as the people gather together: ‘…speaking the
truth in love, we will in all things grow up into
him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him
the whole body, joined and held together by
every supporting ligament, grows and builds
itself up in love, as each part does its work.’