Page 8 - Contact Autumn 2020
P. 8
Hello! My name is Christine as many of you The first Sunday back I was taken to my seat,
may already know, though if you have been I looked round to smiling 2 metre distanced(!)
around the church in the last 4 ½ years you faces, we sang, “Lord I come to you, let my
may not. Most of this time I have been a full heart be changed renewed…hold me close, let
time carer to my husband Jim with only breaks your love surround me”. There is something
from carers and my daughter coming in. So, about that corporate worship togetherness
when Jim had to go into permanent nursing that the 2 metre gaps didn’t seem so big
care in March, I longed for church. anymore. We were in the presence of our Lord
and I can’t describe the joy and restoration that
What is this longing for, a building? No, it’s a it brings and there is just something about the
longing for fellowship, belonging, renewal and interaction you experience with the speaker
many other things, that it brings. “For where at the front in person, a nod, a smile as you
two or three gather in my name, there am I connect into what the Lord is teaching you.
with them” (Matthew 18:20). As a carer, I was I know that feeling safe and connected with my
worn out and as a wife and a mum I was in the church family is helping to restore me and I will
house on my own for the first time in over 40 continue to sing worship and be taught from
years; I needed my church family. Then lock behind my covid mask in my 2 metre distanced
down came! Church services went online and seat on Sunday!
blessed my heart every week, what a great job
everyone did. Friends got inventive and walks
and garden coffees became a great thing, but I Christine Logan
felt like something was missing.
The first time I heard church was going back I
could not wait to get my name on the list.
Yes Covid 19 is scary and we have to be careful,
but when you see the amount of work that has
gone into keeping us safe within church, from
sanitizing to arrow guidelines, these and many
more measures letting us come together as
the church family.