Page 4 - Contact Autumn 2020
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The tears surprised me. But they probably I had to be there again, seeing the faces of
shouldn’t have. those who struggle like me and who come
before a great saviour in need and exultation;
After weeks of uncertainty, anxiety, talks of to sit under the Word of God face to face.
economic doom, infection rates, R numbers, I really believe that being in the presence of the
and a plethora of other things that went in one Word of God being preached brings a different
ear and out the other, but always seemed to be dynamic and blessing than anywhere else.
simmering just below the surface we tuned in Being together in and with our church body
to watch the streamed Good Friday service. does something in my soul that I cannot
Are you an observer, taunter, participant or replicate. In a time when families are restricted
follower, Norman asked all of us who were from meeting, when issues and frictions
looking, and logging on, for hope. We needed perhaps heightened by enforced isolation,
that in days like this. In the midst of Covid what here is family.
would happen to our relationship with Christ?
Would it be strengthened or abandoned? After We praise the Lord as the gathered church
Norman concluded the service, we were told where each who likewise believes is a brother,
that we were going to see a little snippet of a a sister, a friend; a foretaste of eternity where
video recorded from St Anne’s church beside we will never stop singing to the slain Lamb of
the pool of Bethesda when the team went to God. How do you view corporate worship? Is it
Israel earlier in the year. What followed was a small thing? Is it an insignificant thing? It’s not
footage of the team singing “Man of Sorrows that way in the Bible - in the pages of Scripture
(Hallelujah, what a Saviour!)” it is a glorious thing! How cruel lockdown has
seemed to a lot of us at times; we were not
It ripped through me. meant to live our lives in isolation. And how all
the more precious do carers and those who
In that moment my heart truly ached and I look after those who cannot come out now
felt, like the Psalmist, that I longed to be in the seem to me and many others.
throng as I remembered my church. (Psalm
42:4) Like the psalmist I was wondering when We have tried to get out to as many services as
could go back in and meet with God (Psalm we can since we have opened up again and as
42:2). I missed my fellow believers. I missed my far as we have been able, we bring the children
church, our corporate body. As Paul Tripp said with us. They have said to us throughout
at this year’s ‘Sing! Global’ conference, I missed lockdown that they have missed church, they
hearing other believers singing the gospel into miss GB and Sunday School, and now they are
my ears as we met together. And there they back they are so happy to be singing songs,
were, singing to each other of our great seeing their friends and hearing stories again.
Saviour in Israel. For the first time in weeks As parents we vowed to bring them up in the
I had heard my church sing together. And I visible fellowship of the church and it is a
longed to be there again. responsibility that Christ will hold us to.