Page 2 - Contact Autumn 2020
P. 2

Making Sense of Life

        Our new High Kirk website will lead with the            This very brief summary of hundreds of pages
        tag line “Making Sense of Life”. I wanted this to       that make up our Bible is simple though I hope
        be front and centre for a number of reasons             not simplistic. When you read the detail of
        but above all, in a world which is increasingly         people’s lives in the Bible you see this fourfold
        confused and anxious, I believe that people             pattern reflected. The Bible makes sense of life
        are looking and searching for answers to life’s         because it was “God breathed” (1 Timothy 3:16),
        biggest questions more than they have done in           written by the author of life – Father, Son and
        recent generations.                                     Holy Spirit.

        Wherever we look at our world we are seeing             I am convinced that the hope for the
        failed leadership, an increase in natural               world, whatever current chaos or crisis it is
        disasters, a growing divide between the rich            experiencing, is found in coming to know God
        and the poor, fears about our climate and what          as our Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ
        is happening to the world’s ecosystem, falling          the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Having
        birth rates in the western world and to top it off      God at the centre of our lives makes sense of
        we have been experiencing a pandemic which              life. We have good news for a crazy world and
        has impacted everyone. Whole economies have             we need to have renewed confidence as we
        been rattled, politicians have struggled to lead,       speak, zoom, discuss, preach, teach, share
        young people are concerned about their future           during these strange days. With every crisis
        with unemployment rising, the use and abuse             there is an opportunity. The letter we know as
        of social media is leading to high levels of            1 Peter was written at a time of crisis for the
        anxiety and nothing seems to be certain                 church and significantly in 1 Peter 3:15 he says
        anymore. People are looking for a grand                 “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
        narrative for their lives that makes sense in           Always be prepared to give an answer to
        the midst of this whirl of change as the old            everyone who asks you to give the reason for
        foundations of society are crumbling. Every             the hope that you have. But do this with
        few centuries a mega shift happens in society           gentleness and respect…”.
        and we are in the midst of one. This will settle
        down but when you live in the midst of such a           The church is made up of pilgrims travelling
        disruption it can be a very bumpy ride.                 through life; we too are trying to make sense
                                                                of life. As this crisis continues will you invite
        The Bible often speaks about God’s                      others to join with you at church, in person
        transcendent nature – in other words he is              or online. In it we will have new opportunities
        over and above all trends and troubles.                 to bring good news to a world that frankly
        Sometimes he might even send troubles, or at            is floundering. As we open up the scriptures
        least allow them, as humanity develops and              which though ancient, speak into today as no
        grows. God is the same yesterday, today and             other book does, together we will make sense
        forever (Hebrews 13:8). In his Word he provides         of life under the leading of the Holy Spirit and,
        an overall framework which makes sense of               God willing, we will see many people coming
        life. The Big Story of the Bible has four main          into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
        elements - we are created by God; we have
        fallen in our disobedience to the creator as we         With every blessing,
        have sought to go our own way; God has come             Norman
        to reconcile us to Himself in the form of Jesus
        his Son who died for us on the cross; one day
        Jesus will return to bring healing and wholeness
        to the world and will reign with those who have
        entrusted their lives to Him.
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