Page 5 - Contact Autumn 2020
P. 5

One thing I have noticed is that on Sunday
        mornings there are still runners on the streets,
        the McDonald’s drive through will always have
        people queued. Not that we are surprised;
        when people want something, they will find a
        way to go do it. If I can ask a direct question, do
        you want to come back to church? Perhaps you
        would love to come back but feel it’s unsafe.
        I can say with all honesty that the environment
        is as safe, if not more, as any that I have
        experienced. You perhaps feel a little more
        exposed in a distanced environment. You say ‘I
        can’t sing’. We can all sing, some are just slightly
        better than others (what’s more, the face
        coverings mean that it will probably be
        kept between you and the Lord for the
        foreseeable). So, sing away and lose any idea
        that your standard of performance hinders
        your praise being acceptable to the God you
        love when you come to him in true faith. You
        maybe say I’m not that fussed on coming back.
        I can find what I want online from various
        sources and I can pick and choose what I like.
        It’s comfy, it’s easier. It’s less hassle.
                                                                Before we actually returned to church as a
        I will leave the implications of that answer to         family I had been part of the Welcome Team at
        you, save to say that the gathered church is the        the service and HK Kids so had some idea what
        body and the bride of Christ. If we don’t want to       it would be like for Kara in the McCaughey Hall
        meet, we need to ask whether we are actually            and for the rest of us in the service.
        in the body at all.
                                                                We had made the most of lockdown and the
        I truly believe that the church is the hope of our      online services as family time so it was
        town, our nation, and beyond; where the Word,           important for us for our return to the church
        song, prayer, community and fellowship come             building to be a family event too even if we
        together in response to the grace lavished on           weren’t all going to be in the same room at
        us. We are undone and put back together by it.          the same time anymore.
        Christ held nothing back from us. He came to
        the cliff edge as a sinless man, and walked over        It is not, cannot and will not (at least for the
        the edge, sacrificed for our sin. What efforts he       foreseeable future) be the same as it was
        went to, to come down to us and bring us back           before lockdown but now that we have been
        to him. There is nothing more He could have             back several times it is surprising how much
        done to buy us and bring us to him. And he              we have missed corporate worship.
        gives us the honour, the privilege, the charge
        of being his bride and witness on this earth.           It feels safe, like being part of a different kind
        Do we view the church as essential? Can we              of family again – our church family.
        spare an hour on a Sunday morning? To put it
        another way, do you prefer your coffee and              As the former doors now the wall covering in
        scones at home, or do you want to come and              the vestibule says “I was glad when they said
        partake in the more nourishing banquet with             unto me ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord’”.
        the body of Christ?
                                                                Peter Brown
        Andrew Dickson
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