Page 19 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 19

Notice that we’re not condemned for our                 Recognising this danger, a number of modern
        unholiness because we are in Christ and                 churches have tried to address the problem
        because the Spirit of life has set us free.             by actively seeking the power of the Spirit.
        The Spirit dwelling in us is a sign that we’re at       However, the right diagnosis has not always
        peace with God. Not only that, but as Paul goes         been accompanied by the right motivation.
        on to write, ‘those who are led by the Spirit of        The power of the Spirit is often sought for the
        God are sons of God…you received the Spirit of          sake of a personal experience or what has been
        sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”             called a ‘power encounter’. But that is not what

        The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that       the Bible means by the power of the Spirit.
        we are God’s children’ (vv. 14-16).                     Throughout the New Testament the power
                                                                of the Holy Spirit is most often given to God’s
        There is no greater peace in this world than            people to enable them to be God’s witnesses.

        the peace that comes with knowing that we’re            Not only is this reflected in Jesus’ teaching in
        children of God, adopted into his family                the gospels (John 15:26-27; 20:22-23), but also
        (Gal. 4:5). In every instance where adoption            in his promise to the disciples before his
        language is used by Paul it’s in reference to           ascension: ‘You will receive power when the
        the work of the Spirit. He has been sent into           Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my
        our hearts to cause us to cry out to God as             witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
        our ‘Abba’ (our intimate and loving Father) and         Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’
        it’s through the Holy Spirit that we experience
        God’s love – ‘God’s love has been poured into           The Spirit empowers God’s people to witness
        our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has              to the truth of God and his redeeming work in
        been given to us.’ It was the Spirit who gave us        Christ. And the power that we receive is tied to
        rebirth and renewal (John 3:5; Titus 3:5-6), the        the fact that Jesus has ascended to the throne
        Spirit who comforts and counsels God’s people           in heaven and is ruling over the nations,
        (John 14:26) and the Spirit who produces the            building his kingdom on earth. The evidence
        fruit of peace in our lives (Gal. 5:22).                of Jesus’ enthronement in heaven is the
                                                                outpouring of the Spirit on earth. On the day of
        The Power of                                            Pentecost, when Peter preaches in the pow-
                                                                er of the Spirit (resulting in some 3 thousand
        the Holy Spirit                                         conversions) he declares, ‘This Jesus God raised
                                                                up and of that we all are witnesses. Being
                                                                therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and
        Imagine for a moment that you have just                 having received from the Father the promise
        bought a new sailboat. It’s equipped with all the       of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that
        latest technology and is extravagantly decorat-         you yourselves are seeing and hearing’
        ed. The sails are made with expensive space             (Acts 2:32-33). The same Spirit who empowers
        age fabricates and your boat is the envy of             our witness is the one who gifts God’s people
        everyone who sees it. You decide to head out            for acts of service (1 Cor. 12:4-7). Without him

        on the sea one day but nothing happens. You             we would be lifeless and ineffective.

        just float there, occasionally drifting with the
        current. What’s the problem? It’s a perfectly still     Therefore, let’s be a people who are serious
        day with no wind. No wind means no power.               about the Holy Spirit - the personal presence of
        Your expensive, state of the art sailboat is            God, the peace of God and the power to live for
        rendered no better than an oversized floating           him.

        box. And what’s true of the sailboat is often
        true of the church as well. We can have the             Keith McIlroy
        best building, the most incredible music, and
        first-rate intellectual preaching, but without the

        power of the Holy Spirit our churches are
        nothing more than empty shells.
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