Page 15 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 15

How to get involved?                                    Last year we ran a number of media training
                                                                sessions for the BB, and have been very
        One of the most importance aspects of our               fortunate that some of the boys who took part
        ongoing work is continuously evaluating what            now make a very valuable contribution to the
        equipment we need, what is achievable, what is          ongoing work. We have been fortunate to
        affordable and what we can train people to do.          receive professional guidance and support
        We are very fortunate to have access to                 from Alan Kirk who has helped both at a
        people with skills and experience which are             practical operational level, and by providing
        generally in short supply. Frequently we have           advice and encouragement, and the benefit
        seen churches with very impressive and very             of his experience to the team.
        expensive AV installations but their complaint
        has been “we don’t have anyone who knows                We do however struggle at times in some areas
        how to use it”. We cannot assume that the               and with the current team it is impossible for
        people we have now will be there forever, or            us to do everything which people may want us
        that they will be able to do everything we would        to. For example, because most team members
        like to achieve. Therefore, it is essential that we     are in fulltime employment, it is difficult for
        involve others within the AV group, and provide         us to support irregular services such as
        training and mentoring to encourage them and            funerals and weddings during the day.
        enable them to take on the work going forward.          There have been many occasions when
        For the AV team it is important to remember             services almost didn’t happen because we
        that our purpose is not about us – it is about          have been down to only one PA operator, and
        who has been equipped to continue and build             on many occasions pre-Covid, some members
        on the work we do now.                                  have been involved in all three Sunday services.

        At present our main focus is on Sunday                  Looking Forward
        Service Streaming, and assisting Clifford with
        recordings for streaming The Movement and               There is no doubt that some of the things we
        Deeper as and when required. Our CD/DVD                 do now will continue, although we do need to
        ministry has grown slightly over the periods            continually evaluate whether or not they are
        of “lockdown” and although the audience is              where our focus should be.
        relatively small, for some people these are their
        only contact with the church. Members of the            If we are to expand on the work we do,
        team help other churches, by providing advice           we need to train our existing members to
        on what equipment they may need and how to              understand areas they don’t currently work
        operate, by lending equipment to assist in their        in and we will need to find and train new
        work, and by working alongside their teams to           members. If you feel that this is an area of
        produce AV material.                                    service that you would like to be involved in,
                                                                even in a small capacity, please get in touch
                                                                with me using


                                                                Brian Adams

        If you would like to receive CD/DVD’s of the church services
        please contact Nikki on 07930 336 369 or via the church office.
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