Page 14 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 14
A Vision for Vision
We live in a society which is almost obsessive
in its consumption of video – around 27 million
homes own at least one television, with most
having two or more. 40% of homes have
Netflix and 50% have a Smart TV. The average
adult in the UK spends 4 hours watching TV a
day, and that’s before we take account of
videos on Social Media and other viewing
methods! Like everything else, there are
positive and negative aspects to video, but the
church has not been found wanting in using the
latest technology to further the gospel (Romans
built roads to move armies around, enabling
missionaries to travel around the known
world; Gutenberg’s printing press
heralded the availability of Bibles to the Who is it for?
masses; FEBA Radio broadcasts to millions in
countries where any other form of evangelism Video can benefit everyone involved!
is illegal). Video is a powerful communication During ‘lockdown’, we produced special videos
tool, and provides amazing opportunities for of the church choir at Harvest and Christmas.
the church. Therefore, it is of great importance For obvious reasons, the choir could not
that we use this tool to further the work of the be included in services as they would
church. normally. Producing the videos provided an
opportunity for the members to still contribute
How can it be used? in a meaningful way to worship in church, to
come together as a community, and to serve
For quite a few years, our video work was together. There is no doubt that the production
limited to recording a few services (Easter/ of the videos was a huge undertaking, but
Harvest/Christmas) and distributing DVD’s. just as with the choir, there was a sense of
More recently, we have been streaming those contributing to something worthwhile amongst
services and weekly sermons. When Covid-19’s the technical team. It took everyone playing
‘lockdowns’ brought dramatic changes, entire their part together, whether rigging lights and
services needed to be streamed every Sunday. microphones, recording, shooting video,
Even as restrictions were lifted and small editing, playing in lyrics, or any of the other
numbers could return to meeting in person, many tasks needed to complete the videos.
the numbers of viewers remained high. Video provides an opportunity for members to
While no televised service can replace the use their talents in serving God.
benefits of meeting together as a church, for
many these connections to High Kirk, whether High Kirk’s AV team have worked alongside
in the form of a CD, DVD, live-stream, or other churches on many occasions. We have
video recording, have been a lifeline. been very fortunate to have so many talented
They have allowed them to remain connected people available for the work within the church,
to their church community, and they have but we have and should continue to be,
provided teaching and worship – if not outward looking.
together, at least with familiar faces.