Page 11 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 11
Building Fund Update
Kirk Session and Congregational Committee Therefore, the Gift Day planned for March
wish to thank everyone who contributed to the 2021 has been deferred for the present.
Building Project Fund during 2020. Despite the However, we also recognise that some will be
challenges of the past year a total of £153,246 in a position to respond at this time and may
was received, which exceeded our target of wish to do so. If so, please use the monthly
£150,000. This comprised envelopes £35,025, property fund envelopes which you already
standing orders £61,221 and £57,000 from have. Alternatively, you can use a plain
the two Gift Days. To this was added a further envelope or arrange a direct bank transfer,
£37,459 of Gift Aid, which makes a truly but please specify that this is for the Building
wonderful total of £190,705. Fund and include your FWO number.
As we look forward to being able to utilise
The outstanding debt of just under £340,000 and enjoy our suite of buildings again as soon
is fully covered by the continuing interest-free as possible, let us continue to give thanks
loans, for which we remain very grateful. These for God’s provision throughout these
also enable a credit balance to be maintained recent years and play whatever part we can to
in this account in case some of these individ- respond with joyful generosity to this, as well
uals request return of their loans during the as all other aspects of the building of God’s
remaining period of debt. If the current average Kingdom in and through our congregation.
income is maintained, we estimate that this
will be completed by early/mid 2023. Given the John Jenkins
current circumstances, we recognise that there (Building Project Finance Committee)
is financial uncertainty for many at this time.
“The people responded immediately and generously
with the first of their crops and grain, new wine,
olive oil, honey, and everything else.” 2 Chronicles 31:5