Page 6 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 6


        Secretary Report

        2020!!! What can I add to the multitude of              Ministries stopped, taped off areas, closed

        column inches already dedicated to this past            toilets, waiting for an invite to church or having
        chaotic year? Now that is a challenge. I guess          to book a slot, QR Codes on our phones,
        it has been a collective traumatic experience           queuing outside, checking in on arrival and
        which we have all journeyed, struggled and              using space-age fogging machines to spray
        fought through. Nothing has come even close             chemicals throughout our buildings! It was
        since the last world war and few are still with         tough going getting these changes into place
        us who remember those days. 2020 has felt like          to ensure we had a safe and reassuring space

        being at war. Suffering isolation from our              for worshippers to return to the Sanctuary, but
        families, lockdowns, quarantines, seeing huge           together we managed it.
        death numbers in our country and so much
        more. For me, it felt my life was suddenly              It falls to me then to recognise and thank
        catapulted into a swirling upward moving                those people who serve voluntarily in the
        ferocious hurricane, something like the house           congregational committee and who are pivotal
        in the Wizard of Oz movie. My familiar                  to the functioning of High Kirk through such
        surroundings spinning out of control, normality         tough times this past year. Thank you to Uel
        blurred, hanging on to the seat by my                   Marcus and Gary McQuoid for their tireless

        fingertips, while avoiding the arrows of anxiety        efforts as we strove together to interpret PCI’s

        and doubt whizzing around me. Thankfully,               safety directives which ensured we could all
        life did return to earth, but it felt extremely         meet as a fellowship once more.
        turbulent for a long time. Who amongst us               The Technology team headed up by Brian
        would have thought twelve months ago that we            Adams carried a heavy burden after the first

        would be viewing funeral services on-line               lockdown in March as they recorded, edited
        because we could not attend in person?                  and streamed the services on-line.
        Stopped from gathering in Churches, no                  The communications team headed by Philip
        visiting family and friends. Having to wear             McCartney were extremely busy with a new
        masks, sanitising our hands constantly, keeping         website and Sylvia McCartney carrying

        our distance, no haircuts and suffering the             through untold work in getting ChurchSuite
        anxiety of whether there would be enough loo            performing to the level required so we could
        rolls in our shops! It is still a surreal time and I    meet. Jim Millar who heads those tasked with

        am sure lots of you will have suffered your own         our Administration and Personnel completed
        trials. Now, this all sounds extremely negative         mammoth amounts of work with staff

        but for those who persevere light and joy               furloughs and employment contracts. Marie
        is coming and to that end, there is an                  Hamilton oversaw the area of hospitality
        encouragement for you at the end of this                suspended at the March lockdown and
        short report.                                           currently still sits under these restrictions.
                                                                However, she continues to motivate and
        Amidst this turmoil, we still managed to get            encourage her wonderful team of volunteers.
        Church back together after the first lockdown           Lastly and central to our fellowship are our

        in March as we resumed on 13th September.               finances. Adrian Pogue who stepped into the

        Significant changes to how we gathered had to           post of Treasurer in February has taken on the

        be put into place. We got new hand sanitising           role seamlessly and has continued the sterling
        stations, we needed to keep a distance from             work of the outgoing James Hamill. Church
        our friends and church family; no more                  Treasurer is a highly responsible and complex
        refreshments between services meaning the               role and we thank God for both these men.
        familiar buzz of chat and laughter were now
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