Page 3 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 3

Annual Kirk Session

        Report 2020

        Little did I realise when writing the 2019              Set against the givens or fundamentals of  (a)
        annual report from Session, in the middle of            the faithful and Spirit-inspired teaching from
        the first Covid lockdown of 2020, that some             and preaching of the word of God, (b) Spirit-led
        eight months later we would still be contending         worship and (c) an effective and vibrant prayer
        with the impact of the Covid pandemic and that          life, what are the priorities that we have set
        the normality of church life is still some              ourselves?
        distance away.
                                                                1. Digital/online presence – embracing this
        The last time that Session met face to face was         ‘not so new’ technology effectively, introducing
        on 19th March 2020 as the impacts of the Covid          a new website. We have now created a specific
        lockdown were starting to be understood.                department within our church structure to
        From that date we have continued to meet                address this key part of our future ministry;
        every month and are becoming proficient users
        of zoom although like so many we have been              2. HK Kids – re-branding of Sunday School;
        looking forward to the time when we can
        discuss, pray and enjoy fellowship in one               3. Movement – build on current and ever
        another’s actual company.                               developing format;

        The purpose in meeting together has taken on            4. Pastorates – adopt a new care model with
        a different dynamic in these months and while           special consideration for those more senior
        our priority remains ‘to be a church creating           members of the fellowship;
        fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus
        Christ who are Loving, Learning, Serving and            5. Life Groups – to refresh with a link to what
        Reaching in His name’, our conversations had            we hear on a Sunday and a focus on how to
        initially focused on ensuring we created an             deliver on our outreach agenda;
        environment and way of working that adhered
        to the guidelines passed down from Church               6. Sunday evenings – with an emphasis on
        House/PCI as they in turn liaised with the              practical application and going deeper;
        Assembly’s medical and scientific advisors.
        Often leadership brings its challenges and              7. Seeking a renewed emphasis on outreach to
        while the desire for fellowship was strong,             this generation through all we do and that will
        we had a sense of unity and peace that the              underpin the Love, Learn, Serve, Reach vision;
        decisions being made were, and remain, with
        the best interests and health of the members            8. All that we do must have a template
        at the forefront of our minds. But meeting              placed over it in how it delivers against
        for the sake of it has never been our modus             worship/fellowship/outreach and if it doesn’t
        operandi and through the summer months                  how can it be equipped to do so?
        we started to look at the time ‘post Covid’
        when High Kirk would have the opportunity
        to live out its vision once again.
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