Page 2 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 2
Christus Victor
We have reached the sad anniversary of one As John Stott notes, the cross and
year experiencing the corona virus pandemic the resurrection always go together –
with a worldwide total of almost 2.3 million “we are not to regard the cross as defeat
deaths at the time of writing. Over the past and the resurrection as victory. Rather the
year we have been brought up close to death in cross was victory won, and the resurrection
daily news bulletins more so than at any time the victory endorsed, proclaimed and
since the world wars. For a society which treats demonstrated. It was impossible for death
death almost as taboo for polite conversation, to keep its hold on him, because death
it has been a sobering time. had already been defeated.”
It is perhaps appropriate then as we approach This Easter, with gloomy statistics coming at us
the Christian celebration of Easter to every day, and especially at such a time as this,
recognise the wonderful hope that we have in we will celebrate the victorious Christ, the King
Jesus Christ who is victorious even over death. of kings in whom we have the victory over sin
Easter reminds us that we have a great hope to and death. In that lovely modern worship song
proclaim; death is not the end, but the doorway (What a Beautiful Name) we recognise:
into an eternity that awaits us.
You have no rival, You have no equal
The devil does as much as he can to delude Now and forever,
people into believing that this life is all there is God you reign
and we should just invest in what we can see Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory
and touch and totally ignore what we cannot. Yours is the Name, above all names
This is a dangerous lie which more and more What a powerful Name it is
people are swallowing. The Apostle Paul was What a powerful Name it is
a believer in what he called the principalities The Name of Jesus Christ my King.
and powers of the world – these are demonic
powers which fuel the world’s philosophies and As we reflect on what a difficult and sad year it
which wage war against God and right thinking. has been for many people we go forward with
But at the cross of Calvary God “disarmed the hope in the only One who has the answer to
powers and authorities…triumphing over death. Jesus proclaimed on the day He raised
them by the cross” (Colossians 2:15). Lazarus “I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live even though
In the midst of doom and gloom we will again he dies, and whoever lives and believes in
sing and preach about a risen saviour, He is the me will never die.”
victorious Jesus who has overcome sin, death
and the devil. At times such as these we are This year has forced us to reconsider our
tempted to lose sight of the victorious Christ priorities in life and to recognise that our
who has defeated the enemies of darkness and confidence in death is in Christ our victor and
who has drawn the sting of death. At the cross that we “are more than conquerors through
we see the death of death and resurrection him who loved us and nothing will be able
Sunday proved that Jesus was the real thing, to separate us from the love of God in Christ
He was no false messiah. Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:37,39).
May you know His presence and
assurance as we approach
this Easter.