Page 10 - Contact Spring 2021
P. 10

Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to
            charity. It is a scheme administered by the Inland Revenue which allows
            us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate. So, for example, if you

            donate £20 we can claim an extra £5, making your gift worth £25.

                                                                If you would like to sign a
           You do not need to be in employment to be            declaration:
           eligible for Gift Aid. You simply need to have
           paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/        1. Please email me at
           or capital gains tax that is at least equal to the to let me know
           tax that, High Kirk and other charities you do-      you are signing up to Gift Aid, and I can action
           nate to, will reclaim as Gift Aid on your dona-      that straight away.
           tions in a tax year. Any income above £12,500
           per year will mean you will be paying income         2. Alternatively, if you don’t have email, pick up
           tax; whether that income is from salary,             a form at the Information Desk next time you
           pension or interest on savings.                      are in church, and it can be completed then.

           With ChurchSuite, we can split the gift aid for      If you have any further queries, please

           any joint envelopes between husband and wife.        contact the office or email me directly at
           Depending on the amount of tax paid, the split and I will
           can be 100% to one or the other, or split 50:50      get in touch.
           between the couple. If you would like to make
           use of this facility, please let us know.  The       Adrian Pogue
           default position will be 100% for the person         Treasurer
           who signs the declaration, but if you would like
           a split applied, then the declaration would need
           to be signed by both.

           Communication by email is the most efficient and effective method of communication with

           the Church, particularly with respect to financial contributions. If you have an email address

           and the office does not have a record of it, please let them know by sending an email to

  so they can update the records and ensure that your future

           financial statements can be emailed directly  to you.
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