Page 13 - Contact Spring 2019.indd
P. 13
And so, as I step aside, please keep on
praying for myself, Katherine and Ruby
as we enter this new season of life. A
season with a new job the first week of
April - a job all about getting the Bible
into people’s hands, teaching them to
engage with it so their lives and the
lives of those around them are changed
forever - and a baby the second week!
Life will be mad and exciting and
draining and all about adjustments, but
we have such peace that where we
find ourselves now is firmly in the will of
His Spirit rests upon you and, in his the Father. Pray that in all we do, Jesus
Kingdom, you are more useful and will continue to be our vision and our
powerful than you could ever imagine. reason, our hope and our anchor. And
Please, keep saying yes to Jesus, keep please, don’t be strangers!
drawing near to him, and be the light.
I hope years from now when we bump “I thank my God every time I
into one another you’ll be full of stories remember you. In all my prayers for all
of what God has done, is doing in your of you, I always pray with joy because
life, and the adventure you have been of your partnership in the gospel
on. from the first day until now, being
confident of this, that he who began
As God remains unchanging and as a good work in you will carry it on
he holds everything in the palm of his to completion until the day of Christ
hands, it is my firm belief that the work Jesus.” (Philippians 1:3-6)
begun many years ago by people long
before me will continue on under his With every blessing now and always,
leading and his care. And, as he does Andrew Dickson
so, it is my prayer that you all will
continue to pour out and intercede
for our youngest, that we will see a
generation in the church such as has
never been seen before!
Please run with them; please keep on
getting to know our children and young
people; keep on speaking with them;
praying with them, praying for them;
encouraging them and modelling the
faith to them. Whether we feel gifted
to serve children and young people or
not the Father wants to use each one
of you to carry his light, share his love,
facilitate his Kingdom, and to join him
as He builds his church and makes a
difference in our town as “One
generation commends His works to
another”, telling of his mighty acts
[Psalm 145:4].