Page 11 - Contact Spring 2019.indd
P. 11
Summer 2019
At the end of March, we will have a
Youth Mission Team residential weekend away together to
to South Africa help us consolidate team relationships
and to give us more time to read the
(Exodus Team 25) Bible and pray together. As a team, we
will also be doing an act of kindness
by serving the church in a local project
We are delighted to be leading this here in Ballymena.
year’s High Kirk Exodus summer
mission team to South Africa from At High Kirk, we are planning to hold
17 July to 1 August! a few fundraising events over the next
few months for the South Africa team
Eve Patterson, Rachel McCartney, Amy and for other young people from High
Turner, Jonny Hunter, Craig McClintock, Kirk who are taking part in a summer
Sam Hill, Jonny Cochrane, Jack Spence, missions project. Your support for all
Adam Paul, Ben McKane and Joseph of our young people is greatly
Mawhinney have all signed up to take appreciated. If you want to donate to
their faith to a completely new level as our Exodus Team 25, go to
they use their head, heart and hands in
a foreign mission context. kirk2019/
The team will be serving with “Out Please pray:
of Africa Missions” in George, a city
situated halfway between Cape Town 1. For the Exodus team as we meet
and Port Elizabeth on the Garden Route each week to study God’s Word
in South Africa. The team will have together that we will grow closer to
the opportunity to work with children, God and to one another.
young people and the host organisation
in various ways to include running 2. For good team relationships and
Holiday Bible clubs, building that team members’ witness will
relationships, doing outreach, reflect Jesus Christ in everything they
carrying out small DIY projects do.
and leading local church services.
3. That we will all be protected
In preparation for the mission spiritually and physically as we carry
placement, the young people meet out preparation for the work we will
weekly at our house to learn more do in South Africa.
about growing as disciples of Jesus.
We are working through the Exodus If you would like more information
course “Ex-press” which seeks to about this team, please feel free to
empower young people to minister ask us.
through publicly expressing their
private faith to those around them. Stuart & Stephanie Beattie