Page 7 - Contact Spring 2019.indd
P. 7

The upside is that your patience is sure           So I would like to extend my gratitude
                 to increase as it is in for a full testing         to the many who have been so
                 and workout. I need to mention all who             generous and sacrificial in your giving.
                 serve on the committee for your efforts            I am personally delighted that High Kirk
                 and especially to the convenors who                congregation has stepped up to this
                 have a lot of extra work to do. So, I              challenge so boldly and you have
                 particularly thank Marie Hamilton,                 honoured God here. Please continue.
                 Uel Marcus, Brian Adams, Gordon
                 Montgomery, John Jenkins,                          So then to finish. Our focus surely
                 Richard Marshall, Jim Millar and                   must be to follow the greatest
                 Philip McCartney for your help this past           commandment as spoken by Jesus.
                 year in writing up minutes and                     “You shall love the Lord your God with
                 passing them to me in such good time.              all your heart and with all your soul
                 I do want to share my appreciation                 and with all your mind. This is the great
                 of James Hamill our Treasurer for the              and first commandment. And a second
                 amount of extra work he has had to                 is like it: You shall love your neighbour
                 complete this past year. You have done             as yourself.” God is not only interested
                 an amazing job, James. All of these                in what we think but how we feel, the
                 roles I’ve talked about can be as difficult        position of our souls and the love we
                 and challenging as they are rewarding.             show. He is interested in all of us. Our
                 However, I want to hearten you in your             challenge then is to take that example
                 perseverance in service, and I believe             to have that same compassion, mercy
                 all your efforts are appreciated by the            and loving attitude towards each other
                 congregation and your commitment is                and the community this church sits in.
                 never overlooked by God.                           How will we do this? Norman preached
                                                                    one of his best sermons ever this time
                 Lastly, I want to mention the new                  last year. It had two points, not the
                 buildings and the incredible level of              normal three and took about 5
                 work put in by so many to get us to                seconds to deliver. I admit Norman
                 where we are today. I haven’t space                that’s my kind of sermon. He said,
                 here to name everyone but each                     “celebrate what we do and look out for
                 of you knows that your selfless                    someone new”. I have a suggestion to
                 efforts are clearly on show in the                 sit alongside this Norman and I hope
                 magnificent spaces we now have.                    you don’t mind. The challenge to
                 The congregation is very appreciative.             myself and possibly you as well as we
                 Importantly many will be blessed in the            journey into this new season for High
                 future by the facilities we have and the           Kirk fellowship and these new buildings.
                 ministries that God has planned which              How will you serve here? What will
                 we have yet to see flourish. As the                you do differently?  You will be relieved
                 works began, I felt strongly that God              this also only takes about 5 seconds to
                 wanted us to show faith by collectively            deliver. It’s this. “Look thoughtfully at
                 raising funds in giving and gifting                what you do and search your gifts for
                 and making available the facility of               something new!” My prayers and hope
                 interest-free loans so we could rely as            is that you are courageous in using your
                 little as possible on a bank loan.                 God-given gift to serve each other and
                 Incredibly it looks like we will only need         this community and use the vast
                 to borrow around 20% of the total cost.            potential the spirit has placed
                 This means we only need to borrow                  amongst us.
                 the VAT content of the total overall
                 buildings cost. The net cost is presently          God Bless you in your service,
                 covered. This is an astonishing
                 achievement and something which                    David Kirk.
                 we should be amazed at and humbled
                 by. Danske Bank was very helpful by
                 offering us a loan of a million pounds
                 but now it looks like we will only need
                 around £200,000* of that. Unfortunate-
                 ly, their potential profits on the loan will
                 have decreased dramatically but I think
                 we can live with that.

                 *projected figure at the time of the
                 AGM on 7th March 2019
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