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Earthing the faith
Some of you may know I spent a few For me the earthiness of it all was
days in Israel during February and I am satisfying and moving. The holy sites
hoping, God willing, to take a party of where churches proliferated left me
folks from the church to visit some sites somewhat cold, as to me it spoilt the
in Israel next year. earthiness and normality of where
Jesus walked and what he experienced.
When I went on this trip I went with a Much the same as Peter, James and
blank page in terms of expectations John on the mount of transfiguration
as I know some people had been before wanted to build a shelter, a chapel or a
and been disappointed, but on the tent to mark the place of meeting with
whole I found it a unique and very Elijah and Moses (Mt.17) we tend to
inspiring experience. I went with a want to erect memorials and
group of pastors (mainly Elim) and we monuments.
got on very well and the banter was
good and added to the experience. At But our faith is a living faith and
a couple of the sites they began to sing God cannot be tied to monuments –
and I must say I was moved to tears as walking on the same soil and beach
old truths took on a new resonance was enough for me and seeing the
and power. Beside the Sea of Galilee same mountains, lakes and wilderness
and at the garden tomb in Jerusalem that Jesus experienced I found really
I was profoundly moved as it began helpful. It rooted the places I read in
to sink home that Jesus had walked the Bible and the maps came alive to
these very beaches, hills and gardens. me more than I expected. This is the
It came to me with a new force that our God we follow and worship – he comes
faith is based on an historical figure; a alongside and engages with our real
God who took on real flesh and blood, lives in real places.
clothes and sandals, and experienced
real life in all its joys and sorrows, just Something else that surprised me was
as we experience it. This is the God we the new power I found in reading God’s
follow and worship – he came down. word at places where certain events
happened. It is hard to explain but
Scripture came even more alive.
I reflected on Jesus calming the storm
as we were on a boat with the wind
getting up on the lake of Galilee. And
when I read aloud Matthew 5, as I
was asked to do, on the hill above
Capernaum (where Jesus delivered
the Sermon on the Mount) with people
of all nations milling around, you are
struck by the potency of this teaching
and how radical it was coming from
a small town Nazarene Rabbi. It still
unsettles 2000 years on. This is the God
we worship – the One whose word still
profoundly changes and re-orientates
lives in all nations and cultures.
I am looking forward to going
back. Different places in this unique
landscape will speak to people in
different ways but you come away
the same and yet changed. It’s hard to
describe. Maybe the best way I can put
it is this way - it earths it.