Page 4 - Contact Spring 2019.indd
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But bricks and mortar and glass and With Stuart and Andrew moving on in
paint and chairs and tables and early 2019 from the roles they have had
televisions are not the kind of House with us we thank God for bringing them
we want to build for God. Throughout to us, have been encouraged as God
this year we have looked to build on has worked through them across so
‘our’ vision – ‘to be a church creating much of the life of our church. As they
fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus move into whatever the next phase of
Christ who are Loving, Learning, their service is, for them and for their
Serving and Reaching in His name’ – families, we assure them of our prayers
effectively we want to be known as and look forward to hearing great
disciples of Jesus. This year Norman stories of what God is doing in their
has guided us through a number of lives. And so another opportunity
challenges to the way we develop into comes along in the ministries of
such people and we thank God that we Worship and Youth to listen to God’s
have him leading in this role. Alongside voice and build a house or perhaps
Keith, he has brought us to a concluding more accurately a home where we can
study in 1st Thessalonians and being a bring a fresh sense of belonging and
Faith Filled Community, through developing and changing for not just
Acts and Advancing the Kingdom, ourselves but for those who have yet to
questioned our attitude to Change and meet Jesus in their lives experience.
how we can ‘do’ change. In spending Please pray that Session will be
time in Luke they caused us to examine attuned to how we do this – so that we
how we ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ in our daily appoint God’s man or woman to these
striving to be more Christ-like and now, roles within our church family.
as we encounter the complexities
of Hebrews, help us to Run with And while on the subject of change,
Perseverance on our journey together. a word for my predecessor, Ken Revie.
These topics are the key building blocks Ken knows we hold him in the highest
and foundational truths essential to the respect (for me it’s the kindred spirit
type of house we will build for God. of those who frequented Love Street,
Throughout 2018 our church has seen Paisley and the home of St Mirren in
a number of changes – 12 joined our their youth) his support for me in
congregation and 9 were added to the the hand over process has been
communion roll. In total our numbers exceptional and for the work he has
decreased by 1. We celebrated the done over 2018 we are very thankful.
Lord’s supper on 6 occasions with 481 We are delighted that we will
joining in remembrance of the Lord’s continue to hear his counsel in the
accomplishment on our behalf. Session meetings. For all the leaders
and their partners and families in our
The format of how our church life church organisations we just want to
functions has held true to our four areas say thank you for your devotion - on
of service, namely Prayer & Worship wet nights, when you might feel under
led by Norman and Stuart, Pastoral the weather, when diaries clash, when
led by Nikki and ably supported by ‘stuff’ just gets in the way and when
Stephen, Youth & Children led by you think nobody really cares – be
Andrew and One Mission and assured of this your heavenly Father
Discipleship led by Keith and Lorraine. does. For those of us involved in other
Each has been faced with a variety of things no matter how small, help us to
challenges throughout the year and it remember when we were in your shoes
was sad to see Marlene Hutchinson and pray that God will give you the
leave us. All of our ministry areas are grace and patience and stickability that
continually reviewing their effectiveness we prayed for. We are all in this
and alongside their Lead Elders and together. It’s part of the house
Session are looking at how we can do building…..
things better.