Page 5 - Contact Spring 2019.indd
P. 5

But what about the things done in the             I’m finished now you’ll be glad to know
                  background – the glue, the wall ties, the         but just before I head away to find
                  unseen things – without these the walls           what God has next for me, can I leave
                  fall down, the roof leaks and the garden          you with one thought. In 2018 we
                  is overrun with weeds. All of us need to          showed courage in how we tackled the
                  be part of the building work God has              first stage of our building process – we
                  for us. Whether it’s leading one of the           need to show that same courage as
                  myriad things going on in High Kirk,              we move on into 2019 and beyond.
                  maybe doing car park duty, or                     Courage to maybe ask someone to our
                  washing dishes, being part of church              Alpha course; courage to maybe ask
                  committee, helping make sure the Life             someone to Church on a Sunday
                  store functions or being part of a                morning – Café church or Sanctuary
                  count team – even just coming to                  Church; courage to be available to
                  an organisation and being an                      help in Hope House;  courage to ask
                  encouragement to those who have                   for prayer ministry – and maybe hear
                  prepared, being in a Life Group and               something from God for you; courage
                  providing support for your fellow                 to talk about what you do on weekends
                  participants, welcoming to the stranger           when you are at work or school on
                  next to you on Sunday morning (they               Monday through Friday; courage to find
                  may have been coming for 10 years but             some space in your budget for support
                  you still haven’t said hello). Whatever           of God’s work at home or overseas;
                  God has asked of you be sure of this,             courage to pray that God’s will may be
                  He knows your response and is pleased             done in your life; courage to ask God for
                  as you are part of the building project           the tools that He has given you to be
                  He has for us.                                    used for His kingdom building.
                                                                    I’ll see you on the building site…..
                  It would be remiss of me to not say
                  thank you to our own unseen glue – to             Gary McQuoid
                  Jack who passed on the baton to Ian               Clerk of Session
                  just when all things were turning
                  electronic and flashing lights and the
                  dust had been nearly all cleaned up, to
                  Tina who now has another to keep right
                  and to Emily, and sometimes Laura,
                  doing the administrative necessities.

                           Where is the house you will build for me?
                                                   Isaiah 66 v 1
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